just version 2. The FTL (Freetype Licence) is still available. This matches the original Freetype library (written in C). This only expands and does not further restrict the licensing options available to users of the freetype-go library. R=adg CC=golang-dev http://codereview.appspot.com/1731049
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// Copyright 2010 The Freetype-Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by your choice of either the
// FreeType License or the GNU General Public License version 2 (or
// any later version), both of which can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The freetype package provides a convenient API to draw text onto an image.
// Use the freetype/raster and freetype/truetype packages for lower level
// control over rasterization and TrueType parsing.
package freetype
import (
// ParseFont just calls the Parse function from the freetype/truetype package.
// It is provided here so that code that imports this package doesn't need
// to also include the freetype/truetype package.
func ParseFont(b []byte) (*truetype.Font, os.Error) {
return truetype.Parse(b)
// Pt converts from a co-ordinate pair measured in pixels to a raster.Point
// co-ordinate pair measured in raster.Fix32 units.
func Pt(x, y int) raster.Point {
return raster.Point{raster.Fix32(x << 8), raster.Fix32(y << 8)}
// A Context holds the state for drawing text in a given font and size.
type Context struct {
r *raster.Rasterizer
font *truetype.Font
glyphBuf *truetype.GlyphBuf
fontSize float
dpi int
upe int
// A TrueType's glyph's nodes can have negative co-ordinates, but the
// rasterizer clips anything left of x=0 or above y=0. xmin and ymin
// are the pixel offsets, based on the font's FUnit metrics, that let
// a negative co-ordinate in TrueType space be non-negative in
// rasterizer space. xmin and ymin are typically <= 0.
xmin, ymin int
// scale is a multiplication factor to convert 256 FUnits (which is truetype's
// native unit) to 24.8 fixed point units (which is the rasterizer's native unit).
// At the default values of 72 DPI and 2048 units-per-em, one em of a 12 point
// font is 12 pixels, which is 3072 fixed point units, and scale is
// (pointSize * resolution * 256 * 256) / (unitsPerEm * 72), or
// (12 * 72 * 256 * 256) / (2048 * 72),
// which equals 384 fixed point units per 256 FUnits.
// To check this, 1 em * 2048 FUnits per em * 384 fixed point units per 256 FUnits
// equals 3072 fixed point units.
scale int
// FUnitToFix32 converts the given number of FUnits into fixed point units,
// rounding to nearest.
func (c *Context) FUnitToFix32(x int) raster.Fix32 {
return raster.Fix32((x*c.scale + 128) >> 8)
// FUnitToPixelRD converts the given number of FUnits into pixel units,
// rounding down.
func (c *Context) FUnitToPixelRD(x int) int {
return x * c.scale >> 16
// FUnitToPixelRU converts the given number of FUnits into pixel units,
// rounding up.
func (c *Context) FUnitToPixelRU(x int) int {
return (x*c.scale + 0xffff) >> 16
// PointToFix32 converts the given number of points (as in ``a 12 point font'')
// into fixed point units.
func (c *Context) PointToFix32(x float) raster.Fix32 {
return raster.Fix32(x * float(c.dpi) * (256.0 / 72.0))
// drawContour draws the given closed contour with the given offset.
func (c *Context) drawContour(ps []truetype.Point, dx, dy raster.Fix32) {
if len(ps) == 0 {
// ps[0] is a truetype.Point measured in FUnits and positive Y going upwards.
// start is the same thing measured in fixed point units and positive Y
// going downwards, and offset by (dx, dy)
start := raster.Point{
dx + c.FUnitToFix32(int(ps[0].X)),
dy + c.FUnitToFix32(c.upe-int(ps[0].Y)),
q0, on0 := start, true
for _, p := range ps[1:] {
q := raster.Point{
dx + c.FUnitToFix32(int(p.X)),
dy + c.FUnitToFix32(c.upe-int(p.Y)),
on := p.Flags&0x01 != 0
if on {
if on0 {
} else {
c.r.Add2(q0, q)
} else {
if on0 {
// No-op.
} else {
mid := raster.Point{
(q0.X + q.X) / 2,
(q0.Y + q.Y) / 2,
c.r.Add2(q0, mid)
q0, on0 = q, on
// Close the curve.
if on0 {
} else {
c.r.Add2(q0, start)
// DrawText draws s at pt using p. The text is placed so that the top left of
// the em square of the first character of s is equal to pt. The majority of
// the affected pixels will be below and to the right of pt, but some may be
// above or to the left. For example, drawing a string that starts with a 'J'
// in an italic font may affect pixels to the left of pt.
// pt is a raster.Point and can therefore represent sub-pixel positions.
func (c *Context) DrawText(p raster.Painter, pt raster.Point, s string) (err os.Error) {
if c.font == nil {
return os.NewError("freetype: DrawText called with a nil font")
// pt.X, pt.Y, x, y, dx, dy and x0 are measured in raster.Fix32 units,
// c.r.Dx, c.r.Dy, c.xmin and c.ymin are measured in pixels, and
// advance is measured in FUnits.
var x, y raster.Fix32
advance, x0 := 0, pt.X
dx := raster.Fix32(-c.xmin << 8)
dy := raster.Fix32(-c.ymin << 8)
c.r.Dy, y = c.ymin+int(pt.Y>>8), pt.Y&0xff
y += dy
prev, hasPrev := truetype.Index(0), false
for _, ch := range s {
index := c.font.Index(ch)
// Load the next glyph (if it was different from the previous one)
// and add any kerning adjustment.
if hasPrev {
advance += int(c.font.Kerning(prev, index))
if prev != index {
err = c.glyphBuf.Load(c.font, index)
if err != nil {
} else {
err = c.glyphBuf.Load(c.font, index)
if err != nil {
// Convert the advance from FUnits to raster.Fix32 units.
x = x0 + c.FUnitToFix32(advance)
// Break the co-ordinate down into an integer pixel part and a
// sub-pixel part, making sure that the latter is non-negative.
c.r.Dx, x = c.xmin+int(x>>8), x&0xff
x += dx
// Draw the contours.
e0 := 0
for _, e := range c.glyphBuf.End {
c.drawContour(c.glyphBuf.Point[e0:e], x, y)
e0 = e
// Advance the cursor.
advance += int(c.font.HMetric(index).AdvanceWidth)
prev, hasPrev = index, true
// recalc recalculates scale and bounds values from the font size, screen
// resolution and font metrics.
func (c *Context) recalc() {
c.scale = int((c.fontSize * float(c.dpi) * 256 * 256) / (float(c.upe) * 72))
if c.font == nil {
c.xmin, c.ymin = 0, 0
} else {
b := c.font.Bounds()
c.xmin = c.FUnitToPixelRD(int(b.XMin))
c.ymin = c.FUnitToPixelRD(c.upe - int(b.YMax))
xmax := c.FUnitToPixelRU(int(b.XMax))
ymax := c.FUnitToPixelRU(c.upe - int(b.YMin))
c.r.SetBounds(xmax-c.xmin, ymax-c.ymin)
// SetDPI sets the screen resolution in dots per inch.
func (c *Context) SetDPI(dpi int) {
c.dpi = dpi
// SetFont sets the font used to draw text.
func (c *Context) SetFont(font *truetype.Font) {
c.font = font
c.upe = font.UnitsPerEm()
if c.upe <= 0 {
c.upe = 1
// SetFontSize sets the font size in points (as in ``a 12 point font'').
func (c *Context) SetFontSize(fontSize float) {
c.fontSize = fontSize
// NewContext creates a new Context.
func NewContext() *Context {
return &Context{
r: raster.NewRasterizer(0, 0),
glyphBuf: truetype.NewGlyphBuf(),
fontSize: 12,
dpi: 72,
upe: 2048,
scale: (12 * 72 * 256 * 256) / (2048 * 72),