2016-07-31 16:54:09 -07:00

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package chart
import (
// MarketHoursRange is a special type of range that compresses a time range into just the
// market (i.e. NYSE operating hours and days) range.
type MarketHoursRange struct {
Min time.Time
Max time.Time
MarketOpen time.Time
MarketClose time.Time
HolidayProvider HolidayProvider
ValueFormatter ValueFormatter
Domain int
// IsZero returns if the range is setup or not.
func (mhr MarketHoursRange) IsZero() bool {
return mhr.Min.IsZero() && mhr.Max.IsZero()
// GetMin returns the min value.
func (mhr MarketHoursRange) GetMin() float64 {
return TimeToFloat64(mhr.Min)
// GetMax returns the max value.
func (mhr MarketHoursRange) GetMax() float64 {
return TimeToFloat64(mhr.GetEffectiveMax())
// GetEffectiveMax gets either the close on the max, or the max itself.
func (mhr MarketHoursRange) GetEffectiveMax() time.Time {
maxClose := Date.On(mhr.MarketClose, mhr.Max)
if maxClose.After(mhr.Max) {
return maxClose
return mhr.Max
// SetMin sets the min value.
func (mhr *MarketHoursRange) SetMin(min float64) {
mhr.Min = Float64ToTime(min)
// SetMax sets the max value.
func (mhr *MarketHoursRange) SetMax(max float64) {
mhr.Max = Float64ToTime(max)
// GetDelta gets the delta.
func (mhr MarketHoursRange) GetDelta() float64 {
min := mhr.GetMin()
max := mhr.GetMax()
return max - min
// GetDomain gets the domain.
func (mhr MarketHoursRange) GetDomain() int {
return mhr.Domain
// SetDomain sets the domain.
func (mhr *MarketHoursRange) SetDomain(domain int) {
mhr.Domain = domain
// GetHolidayProvider coalesces a userprovided holiday provider and the date.DefaultHolidayProvider.
func (mhr MarketHoursRange) GetHolidayProvider() HolidayProvider {
if mhr.HolidayProvider == nil {
return defaultHolidayProvider
return mhr.HolidayProvider
// GetMarketOpen returns the market open time.
func (mhr MarketHoursRange) GetMarketOpen() time.Time {
if mhr.MarketOpen.IsZero() {
return NYSEOpen
return mhr.MarketOpen
// GetMarketClose returns the market close time.
func (mhr MarketHoursRange) GetMarketClose() time.Time {
if mhr.MarketClose.IsZero() {
return NYSEClose
return mhr.MarketClose
// GetTicks returns the ticks for the range.
// This is to override the default continous ticks that would be generated for the range.
func (mhr *MarketHoursRange) GetTicks(r Renderer, defaults Style, vf ValueFormatter) []Tick {
println("GetTicks() domain:", mhr.Domain)
times := Sequence.MarketHours(mhr.Min, mhr.Max, mhr.GetMarketOpen(), mhr.GetMarketClose(), mhr.GetHolidayProvider())
timesWidth := mhr.measureTimes(r, defaults, vf, times)
if timesWidth <= mhr.Domain {
return mhr.makeTicks(vf, times)
times = Sequence.MarketHourQuarters(mhr.Min, mhr.Max, mhr.GetMarketOpen(), mhr.GetMarketClose(), mhr.GetHolidayProvider())
timesWidth = mhr.measureTimes(r, defaults, vf, times)
if timesWidth <= mhr.Domain {
return mhr.makeTicks(vf, times)
return mhr.makeTicks(vf, Sequence.MarketDayCloses(mhr.Min, mhr.Max, mhr.GetMarketOpen(), mhr.GetMarketClose(), mhr.GetHolidayProvider()))
func (mhr *MarketHoursRange) measureTimes(r Renderer, defaults Style, vf ValueFormatter, times []time.Time) int {
var total int
for index, t := range times {
timeLabel := vf(t)
labelBox := r.MeasureText(timeLabel)
total += labelBox.Width()
if index > 0 {
total += DefaultMinimumTickHorizontalSpacing
return total
func (mhr *MarketHoursRange) makeTicks(vf ValueFormatter, times []time.Time) []Tick {
ticks := make([]Tick, len(times))
for index, t := range times {
ticks[index] = Tick{
Value: TimeToFloat64(t),
Label: vf(t),
println("make tick =>", vf(t))
return ticks
func (mhr MarketHoursRange) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("MarketHoursRange [%s, %s] => %d", mhr.Min.Format(DefaultDateMinuteFormat), mhr.Max.Format(DefaultDateMinuteFormat), mhr.Domain)
// Translate maps a given value into the ContinuousRange space.
func (mhr MarketHoursRange) Translate(value float64) int {
valueTime := Float64ToTime(value)
valueTimeEastern := valueTime.In(Date.Eastern())
totalSeconds := Date.CalculateMarketSecondsBetween(mhr.Min, mhr.GetEffectiveMax(), mhr.GetMarketOpen(), mhr.GetMarketClose(), mhr.HolidayProvider)
valueDelta := Date.CalculateMarketSecondsBetween(mhr.Min, valueTimeEastern, mhr.GetMarketOpen(), mhr.GetMarketClose(), mhr.HolidayProvider)
translated := int((float64(valueDelta) / float64(totalSeconds)) * float64(mhr.Domain))
return translated