Will Charczuk 376a8efa36 updates
2017-04-29 13:19:17 -07:00

427 lines
12 KiB

package util
import (
const (
// AllDaysMask is a bitmask of all the days of the week.
AllDaysMask = 1<<uint(time.Sunday) | 1<<uint(time.Monday) | 1<<uint(time.Tuesday) | 1<<uint(time.Wednesday) | 1<<uint(time.Thursday) | 1<<uint(time.Friday) | 1<<uint(time.Saturday)
// WeekDaysMask is a bitmask of all the weekdays of the week.
WeekDaysMask = 1<<uint(time.Monday) | 1<<uint(time.Tuesday) | 1<<uint(time.Wednesday) | 1<<uint(time.Thursday) | 1<<uint(time.Friday)
//WeekendDaysMask is a bitmask of the weekend days of the week.
WeekendDaysMask = 1<<uint(time.Sunday) | 1<<uint(time.Saturday)
var (
// DaysOfWeek are all the time.Weekday in an array for utility purposes.
DaysOfWeek = []time.Weekday{
// WeekDays are the business time.Weekday in an array.
WeekDays = []time.Weekday{
// WeekendDays are the weekend time.Weekday in an array.
WeekendDays = []time.Weekday{
//Epoch is unix epoc saved for utility purposes.
Epoch = time.Unix(0, 0)
var (
_easternLock sync.Mutex
_eastern *time.Location
// NYSEOpen is when the NYSE opens.
func NYSEOpen() time.Time { return Date.Time(9, 30, 0, 0, Date.Eastern()) }
// NYSEClose is when the NYSE closes.
func NYSEClose() time.Time { return Date.Time(16, 0, 0, 0, Date.Eastern()) }
// NASDAQOpen is when NASDAQ opens.
func NASDAQOpen() time.Time { return Date.Time(9, 30, 0, 0, Date.Eastern()) }
// NASDAQClose is when NASDAQ closes.
func NASDAQClose() time.Time { return Date.Time(16, 0, 0, 0, Date.Eastern()) }
// NYSEArcaOpen is when NYSEARCA opens.
func NYSEArcaOpen() time.Time { return Date.Time(4, 0, 0, 0, Date.Eastern()) }
// NYSEArcaClose is when NYSEARCA closes.
func NYSEArcaClose() time.Time { return Date.Time(20, 0, 0, 0, Date.Eastern()) }
// HolidayProvider is a function that returns if a given time falls on a holiday.
type HolidayProvider func(time.Time) bool
// defaultHolidayProvider implements `HolidayProvider` and just returns false.
func defaultHolidayProvider(_ time.Time) bool { return false }
var (
// Date contains utility functions that operate on dates.
Date = &date{}
type date struct{}
// IsNYSEHoliday returns if a date was/is on a nyse holiday day.
func (d date) IsNYSEHoliday(t time.Time) bool {
te := t.In(d.Eastern())
if te.Year() == 2013 {
if te.Month() == 1 {
return te.Day() == 1 || te.Day() == 21
} else if te.Month() == 2 {
return te.Day() == 18
} else if te.Month() == 3 {
return te.Day() == 29
} else if te.Month() == 5 {
return te.Day() == 27
} else if te.Month() == 7 {
return te.Day() == 4
} else if te.Month() == 9 {
return te.Day() == 2
} else if te.Month() == 11 {
return te.Day() == 28
} else if te.Month() == 12 {
return te.Day() == 25
} else if te.Year() == 2014 {
if te.Month() == 1 {
return te.Day() == 1 || te.Day() == 20
} else if te.Month() == 2 {
return te.Day() == 17
} else if te.Month() == 4 {
return te.Day() == 18
} else if te.Month() == 5 {
return te.Day() == 26
} else if te.Month() == 7 {
return te.Day() == 4
} else if te.Month() == 9 {
return te.Day() == 1
} else if te.Month() == 11 {
return te.Day() == 27
} else if te.Month() == 12 {
return te.Day() == 25
} else if te.Year() == 2015 {
if te.Month() == 1 {
return te.Day() == 1 || te.Day() == 19
} else if te.Month() == 2 {
return te.Day() == 16
} else if te.Month() == 4 {
return te.Day() == 3
} else if te.Month() == 5 {
return te.Day() == 25
} else if te.Month() == 7 {
return te.Day() == 3
} else if te.Month() == 9 {
return te.Day() == 7
} else if te.Month() == 11 {
return te.Day() == 26
} else if te.Month() == 12 {
return te.Day() == 25
} else if te.Year() == 2016 {
if te.Month() == 1 {
return te.Day() == 1 || te.Day() == 18
} else if te.Month() == 2 {
return te.Day() == 15
} else if te.Month() == 3 {
return te.Day() == 25
} else if te.Month() == 5 {
return te.Day() == 30
} else if te.Month() == 7 {
return te.Day() == 4
} else if te.Month() == 9 {
return te.Day() == 5
} else if te.Month() == 11 {
return te.Day() == 24 || te.Day() == 25
} else if te.Month() == 12 {
return te.Day() == 26
} else if te.Year() == 2017 {
if te.Month() == 1 {
return te.Day() == 1 || te.Day() == 16
} else if te.Month() == 2 {
return te.Day() == 20
} else if te.Month() == 4 {
return te.Day() == 15
} else if te.Month() == 5 {
return te.Day() == 29
} else if te.Month() == 7 {
return te.Day() == 4
} else if te.Month() == 9 {
return te.Day() == 4
} else if te.Month() == 11 {
return te.Day() == 23
} else if te.Month() == 12 {
return te.Day() == 25
} else if te.Year() == 2018 {
if te.Month() == 1 {
return te.Day() == 1 || te.Day() == 15
} else if te.Month() == 2 {
return te.Day() == 19
} else if te.Month() == 3 {
return te.Day() == 30
} else if te.Month() == 5 {
return te.Day() == 28
} else if te.Month() == 7 {
return te.Day() == 4
} else if te.Month() == 9 {
return te.Day() == 3
} else if te.Month() == 11 {
return te.Day() == 22
} else if te.Month() == 12 {
return te.Day() == 25
return false
// IsNYSEArcaHoliday returns that returns if a given time falls on a holiday.
func (d date) IsNYSEArcaHoliday(t time.Time) bool {
return d.IsNYSEHoliday(t)
// IsNASDAQHoliday returns if a date was a NASDAQ holiday day.
func (d date) IsNASDAQHoliday(t time.Time) bool {
return d.IsNYSEHoliday(t)
// Time returns a new time.Time for the given clock components.
func (d date) Time(hour, min, sec, nsec int, loc *time.Location) time.Time {
return time.Date(0, 0, 0, hour, min, sec, nsec, loc)
func (d date) Date(year, month, day int, loc *time.Location) time.Time {
return time.Date(year, time.Month(month), day, 12, 0, 0, 0, loc)
// On returns the clock components of clock (hour,minute,second) on the date components of d.
func (d date) On(clock, cd time.Time) time.Time {
tzAdjusted := cd.In(clock.Location())
return time.Date(tzAdjusted.Year(), tzAdjusted.Month(), tzAdjusted.Day(), clock.Hour(), clock.Minute(), clock.Second(), clock.Nanosecond(), clock.Location())
// NoonOn is a shortcut for On(Time(12,0,0), cd) a.k.a. noon on a given date.
func (d date) NoonOn(cd time.Time) time.Time {
return time.Date(cd.Year(), cd.Month(), cd.Day(), 12, 0, 0, 0, cd.Location())
// Optional returns a pointer reference to a given time.
func (d date) Optional(t time.Time) *time.Time {
return &t
// IsWeekDay returns if the day is a monday->friday.
func (d date) IsWeekDay(day time.Weekday) bool {
return !d.IsWeekendDay(day)
// IsWeekendDay returns if the day is a monday->friday.
func (d date) IsWeekendDay(day time.Weekday) bool {
return day == time.Saturday || day == time.Sunday
// Before returns if a timestamp is strictly before another date (ignoring hours, minutes etc.)
func (d date) Before(before, reference time.Time) bool {
tzAdjustedBefore := before.In(reference.Location())
if tzAdjustedBefore.Year() < reference.Year() {
return true
if tzAdjustedBefore.Month() < reference.Month() {
return true
return tzAdjustedBefore.Year() == reference.Year() && tzAdjustedBefore.Month() == reference.Month() && tzAdjustedBefore.Day() < reference.Day()
// NextMarketOpen returns the next market open after a given time.
func (d date) NextMarketOpen(after, openTime time.Time, isHoliday HolidayProvider) time.Time {
afterLocalized := after.In(openTime.Location())
todaysOpen := d.On(openTime, afterLocalized)
if isHoliday == nil {
isHoliday = defaultHolidayProvider
todayIsValidTradingDay := d.IsWeekDay(todaysOpen.Weekday()) && !isHoliday(todaysOpen)
if (afterLocalized.Equal(todaysOpen) || afterLocalized.Before(todaysOpen)) && todayIsValidTradingDay {
return todaysOpen
for cursorDay := 1; cursorDay < 7; cursorDay++ {
newDay := todaysOpen.AddDate(0, 0, cursorDay)
isValidTradingDay := d.IsWeekDay(newDay.Weekday()) && !isHoliday(newDay)
if isValidTradingDay {
return d.On(openTime, newDay)
panic("Have exhausted day window looking for next market open.")
// NextMarketClose returns the next market close after a given time.
func (d date) NextMarketClose(after, closeTime time.Time, isHoliday HolidayProvider) time.Time {
afterLocalized := after.In(closeTime.Location())
if isHoliday == nil {
isHoliday = defaultHolidayProvider
todaysClose := d.On(closeTime, afterLocalized)
if afterLocalized.Before(todaysClose) && d.IsWeekDay(todaysClose.Weekday()) && !isHoliday(todaysClose) {
return todaysClose
if afterLocalized.Equal(todaysClose) { //rare but it might happen.
return todaysClose
for cursorDay := 1; cursorDay < 6; cursorDay++ {
newDay := todaysClose.AddDate(0, 0, cursorDay)
if d.IsWeekDay(newDay.Weekday()) && !isHoliday(newDay) {
return d.On(closeTime, newDay)
panic("Have exhausted day window looking for next market close.")
// CalculateMarketSecondsBetween calculates the number of seconds the market was open between two dates.
func (d date) CalculateMarketSecondsBetween(start, end, marketOpen, marketClose time.Time, isHoliday HolidayProvider) (seconds int64) {
startEastern := start.In(d.Eastern())
endEastern := end.In(d.Eastern())
startMarketOpen := d.On(marketOpen, startEastern)
startMarketClose := d.On(marketClose, startEastern)
if !d.IsWeekendDay(startMarketOpen.Weekday()) && !isHoliday(startMarketOpen) {
if (startEastern.Equal(startMarketOpen) || startEastern.After(startMarketOpen)) && startEastern.Before(startMarketClose) {
if endEastern.Before(startMarketClose) {
seconds += int64(endEastern.Sub(startEastern) / time.Second)
} else {
seconds += int64(startMarketClose.Sub(startEastern) / time.Second)
cursor := d.NextMarketOpen(startMarketClose, marketOpen, isHoliday)
for d.Before(cursor, endEastern) {
if d.IsWeekDay(cursor.Weekday()) && !isHoliday(cursor) {
close := d.NextMarketClose(cursor, marketClose, isHoliday)
seconds += int64(close.Sub(cursor) / time.Second)
cursor = cursor.AddDate(0, 0, 1)
finalMarketOpen := d.NextMarketOpen(cursor, marketOpen, isHoliday)
finalMarketClose := d.NextMarketClose(cursor, marketClose, isHoliday)
if endEastern.After(finalMarketOpen) {
if endEastern.Before(finalMarketClose) {
seconds += int64(endEastern.Sub(finalMarketOpen) / time.Second)
} else {
seconds += int64(finalMarketClose.Sub(finalMarketOpen) / time.Second)
const (
_secondsPerHour = 60 * 60
_secondsPerDay = 60 * 60 * 24
func (d date) DiffDays(t1, t2 time.Time) (days int) {
t1n := t1.Unix()
t2n := t2.Unix()
diff := t2n - t1n //yields seconds
return int(diff / (_secondsPerDay))
func (d date) DiffHours(t1, t2 time.Time) (hours int) {
t1n := t1.Unix()
t2n := t2.Unix()
diff := t2n - t1n //yields seconds
return int(diff / (_secondsPerHour))
// NextDay returns the timestamp advanced a day.
func (d date) NextDay(ts time.Time) time.Time {
return ts.AddDate(0, 0, 1)
// NextHour returns the next timestamp on the hour.
func (d date) NextHour(ts time.Time) time.Time {
//advance a full hour ...
advanced := ts.Add(time.Hour)
minutes := time.Duration(advanced.Minute()) * time.Minute
final := advanced.Add(-minutes)
return time.Date(final.Year(), final.Month(), final.Day(), final.Hour(), 0, 0, 0, final.Location())
// NextDayOfWeek returns the next instance of a given weekday after a given timestamp.
func (d date) NextDayOfWeek(after time.Time, dayOfWeek time.Weekday) time.Time {
afterWeekday := after.Weekday()
if afterWeekday == dayOfWeek {
return after.AddDate(0, 0, 7)
// 1 vs 5 ~ add 4 days
if afterWeekday < dayOfWeek {
dayDelta := int(dayOfWeek - afterWeekday)
return after.AddDate(0, 0, dayDelta)
// 5 vs 1, add 7-(5-1) ~ 3 days
dayDelta := 7 - int(afterWeekday-dayOfWeek)
return after.AddDate(0, 0, dayDelta)
// Start returns the earliest (min) time in a list of times.
func (d date) Start(times []time.Time) time.Time {
if len(times) == 0 {
return time.Time{}
start := times[0]
for _, t := range times[1:] {
if t.Before(start) {
start = t
return start
// Start returns the earliest (min) time in a list of times.
func (d date) End(times []time.Time) time.Time {
if len(times) == 0 {
return time.Time{}
end := times[0]
for _, t := range times[1:] {
if t.After(end) {
end = t
return end