338 lines
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338 lines
8.2 KiB
package chart
import (
util "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
// StackedBar is a bar within a StackedBarChart.
type StackedBar struct {
Name string
Width int
Values []Value
// GetWidth returns the width of the bar.
func (sb StackedBar) GetWidth() int {
if sb.Width == 0 {
return 50
return sb.Width
// StackedBarChart is a chart that draws sections of a bar based on percentages.
type StackedBarChart struct {
Title string
TitleStyle Style
Width int
Height int
DPI float64
Background Style
Canvas Style
XAxis Style
YAxis Style
BarSpacing int
Font *truetype.Font
defaultFont *truetype.Font
Bars []StackedBar
Elements []Renderable
// GetDPI returns the dpi for the chart.
func (sbc StackedBarChart) GetDPI(defaults ...float64) float64 {
if sbc.DPI == 0 {
if len(defaults) > 0 {
return defaults[0]
return DefaultDPI
return sbc.DPI
// GetFont returns the text font.
func (sbc StackedBarChart) GetFont() *truetype.Font {
if sbc.Font == nil {
return sbc.defaultFont
return sbc.Font
// GetWidth returns the chart width or the default value.
func (sbc StackedBarChart) GetWidth() int {
if sbc.Width == 0 {
return DefaultChartWidth
return sbc.Width
// GetHeight returns the chart height or the default value.
func (sbc StackedBarChart) GetHeight() int {
if sbc.Height == 0 {
return DefaultChartWidth
return sbc.Height
// GetBarSpacing returns the spacing between bars.
func (sbc StackedBarChart) GetBarSpacing() int {
if sbc.BarSpacing == 0 {
return 100
return sbc.BarSpacing
// Render renders the chart with the given renderer to the given io.Writer.
func (sbc StackedBarChart) Render(rp RendererProvider, w io.Writer) error {
if len(sbc.Bars) == 0 {
return errors.New("please provide at least one bar")
r, err := rp(sbc.GetWidth(), sbc.GetHeight())
if err != nil {
return err
if sbc.Font == nil {
defaultFont, err := GetDefaultFont()
if err != nil {
return err
sbc.defaultFont = defaultFont
canvasBox := sbc.getAdjustedCanvasBox(r, sbc.getDefaultCanvasBox())
sbc.drawBars(r, canvasBox)
sbc.drawXAxis(r, canvasBox)
sbc.drawYAxis(r, canvasBox)
for _, a := range sbc.Elements {
a(r, canvasBox, sbc.styleDefaultsElements())
return r.Save(w)
func (sbc StackedBarChart) drawBars(r Renderer, canvasBox Box) {
xoffset := canvasBox.Left
for _, bar := range sbc.Bars {
sbc.drawBar(r, canvasBox, xoffset, bar)
xoffset += (sbc.GetBarSpacing() + bar.GetWidth())
func (sbc StackedBarChart) drawBar(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xoffset int, bar StackedBar) int {
barSpacing2 := sbc.GetBarSpacing() >> 1
bxl := xoffset + barSpacing2
bxr := bxl + bar.GetWidth()
normalizedBarComponents := Values(bar.Values).Normalize()
yoffset := canvasBox.Top
for index, bv := range normalizedBarComponents {
barHeight := int(math.Ceil(bv.Value * float64(canvasBox.Height())))
barBox := Box{
Top: yoffset,
Left: bxl,
Right: bxr,
Bottom: util.Math.MinInt(yoffset+barHeight, canvasBox.Bottom-DefaultStrokeWidth),
Draw.Box(r, barBox, bv.Style.InheritFrom(sbc.styleDefaultsStackedBarValue(index)))
yoffset += barHeight
return bxr
func (sbc StackedBarChart) drawXAxis(r Renderer, canvasBox Box) {
if sbc.XAxis.Show {
axisStyle := sbc.XAxis.InheritFrom(sbc.styleDefaultsAxes())
r.MoveTo(canvasBox.Left, canvasBox.Bottom)
r.LineTo(canvasBox.Right, canvasBox.Bottom)
r.MoveTo(canvasBox.Left, canvasBox.Bottom)
r.LineTo(canvasBox.Left, canvasBox.Bottom+DefaultVerticalTickHeight)
cursor := canvasBox.Left
for _, bar := range sbc.Bars {
barLabelBox := Box{
Top: canvasBox.Bottom + DefaultXAxisMargin,
Left: cursor,
Right: cursor + bar.GetWidth() + sbc.GetBarSpacing(),
Bottom: sbc.GetHeight(),
if len(bar.Name) > 0 {
Draw.TextWithin(r, bar.Name, barLabelBox, axisStyle)
r.MoveTo(barLabelBox.Right, canvasBox.Bottom)
r.LineTo(barLabelBox.Right, canvasBox.Bottom+DefaultVerticalTickHeight)
cursor += bar.GetWidth() + sbc.GetBarSpacing()
func (sbc StackedBarChart) drawYAxis(r Renderer, canvasBox Box) {
if sbc.YAxis.Show {
axisStyle := sbc.YAxis.InheritFrom(sbc.styleDefaultsAxes())
r.MoveTo(canvasBox.Right, canvasBox.Top)
r.LineTo(canvasBox.Right, canvasBox.Bottom)
r.MoveTo(canvasBox.Right, canvasBox.Bottom)
r.LineTo(canvasBox.Right+DefaultHorizontalTickWidth, canvasBox.Bottom)
ticks := seq.RangeWithStep(0.0, 1.0, 0.2)
for _, t := range ticks {
ty := canvasBox.Bottom - int(t*float64(canvasBox.Height()))
r.MoveTo(canvasBox.Right, ty)
r.LineTo(canvasBox.Right+DefaultHorizontalTickWidth, ty)
text := fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f%%", t*100)
tb := r.MeasureText(text)
Draw.Text(r, text, canvasBox.Right+DefaultYAxisMargin+5, ty+(int(tb.Height())>>1), axisStyle)
func (sbc StackedBarChart) drawTitle(r Renderer) {
if len(sbc.Title) > 0 && sbc.TitleStyle.Show {
Draw.TextWithin(r, sbc.Title, sbc.Box(), sbc.styleDefaultsTitle())
func (sbc StackedBarChart) getDefaultCanvasBox() Box {
return sbc.Box()
func (sbc StackedBarChart) getAdjustedCanvasBox(r Renderer, canvasBox Box) Box {
var totalWidth int
for _, bar := range sbc.Bars {
totalWidth += bar.GetWidth() + sbc.GetBarSpacing()
if sbc.XAxis.Show {
xaxisHeight := DefaultVerticalTickHeight
axisStyle := sbc.XAxis.InheritFrom(sbc.styleDefaultsAxes())
cursor := canvasBox.Left
for _, bar := range sbc.Bars {
if len(bar.Name) > 0 {
barLabelBox := Box{
Top: canvasBox.Bottom + DefaultXAxisMargin,
Left: cursor,
Right: cursor + bar.GetWidth() + sbc.GetBarSpacing(),
Bottom: sbc.GetHeight(),
lines := Text.WrapFit(r, bar.Name, barLabelBox.Width(), axisStyle)
linesBox := Text.MeasureLines(r, lines, axisStyle)
xaxisHeight = util.Math.MaxInt(int(linesBox.Height())+(2*DefaultXAxisMargin), xaxisHeight)
return Box{
Top: canvasBox.Top,
Left: canvasBox.Left,
Right: canvasBox.Left + totalWidth,
Bottom: sbc.GetHeight() - xaxisHeight,
return Box{
Top: canvasBox.Top,
Left: canvasBox.Left,
Right: canvasBox.Left + totalWidth,
Bottom: canvasBox.Bottom,
// Box returns the chart bounds as a box.
func (sbc StackedBarChart) Box() Box {
dpr := sbc.Background.Padding.GetRight(10)
dpb := sbc.Background.Padding.GetBottom(50)
return Box{
Top: 20,
Left: 20,
Right: sbc.GetWidth() - dpr,
Bottom: sbc.GetHeight() - dpb,
func (sbc StackedBarChart) styleDefaultsStackedBarValue(index int) Style {
return Style{
StrokeColor: GetAlternateColor(index),
StrokeWidth: 3.0,
FillColor: GetAlternateColor(index),
func (sbc StackedBarChart) styleDefaultsTitle() Style {
return sbc.TitleStyle.InheritFrom(Style{
FontColor: DefaultTextColor,
Font: sbc.GetFont(),
FontSize: sbc.getTitleFontSize(),
TextHorizontalAlign: TextHorizontalAlignCenter,
TextVerticalAlign: TextVerticalAlignTop,
TextWrap: TextWrapWord,
func (sbc StackedBarChart) getTitleFontSize() float64 {
effectiveDimension := util.Math.MinInt(sbc.GetWidth(), sbc.GetHeight())
if effectiveDimension >= 2048 {
return 48
} else if effectiveDimension >= 1024 {
return 24
} else if effectiveDimension >= 512 {
return 18
} else if effectiveDimension >= 256 {
return 12
return 10
func (sbc StackedBarChart) styleDefaultsAxes() Style {
return Style{
StrokeColor: DefaultAxisColor,
Font: sbc.GetFont(),
FontSize: DefaultAxisFontSize,
FontColor: DefaultAxisColor,
TextHorizontalAlign: TextHorizontalAlignCenter,
TextVerticalAlign: TextVerticalAlignTop,
TextWrap: TextWrapWord,
func (sbc StackedBarChart) styleDefaultsElements() Style {
return Style{
Font: sbc.GetFont(),