package chart // LinearRegressionSeries is a series that plots the n-nearest neighbors // linear regression for the values. type LinearRegressionSeries struct { Name string Style Style YAxis YAxisType Window int Offset int InnerSeries ValueProvider m float64 b float64 avgx float64 stddevx float64 } // GetName returns the name of the time series. func (lrs LinearRegressionSeries) GetName() string { return lrs.Name } // GetStyle returns the line style. func (lrs LinearRegressionSeries) GetStyle() Style { return lrs.Style } // GetYAxis returns which YAxis the series draws on. func (lrs LinearRegressionSeries) GetYAxis() YAxisType { return lrs.YAxis } // Len returns the number of elements in the series. func (lrs LinearRegressionSeries) Len() int { return lrs.InnerSeries.Len() } // GetWindow returns the window size. func (lrs LinearRegressionSeries) GetWindow() int { if lrs.Window == 0 { return lrs.InnerSeries.Len() } return lrs.Window } // GetEffectiveWindowEnd returns the effective window end. func (lrs LinearRegressionSeries) GetEffectiveWindowEnd() int { offset := lrs.GetOffset() windowEnd := offset + lrs.GetWindow() return MinInt(windowEnd, lrs.Len()-1) } // GetOffset returns the data offset. func (lrs LinearRegressionSeries) GetOffset() int { if lrs.Offset == 0 { return 0 } return lrs.Offset } // GetValue gets a value at a given index. func (lrs *LinearRegressionSeries) GetValue(index int) (x, y float64) { if lrs.InnerSeries == nil { return } if lrs.m == 0 && lrs.b == 0 { lrs.computeCoefficients() } offset := lrs.GetOffset() x, y = lrs.InnerSeries.GetValue(index + offset) y = (lrs.m * lrs.normalize(x)) + lrs.b return } // GetLastValue computes the last moving average value but walking back window size samples, // and recomputing the last moving average chunk. func (lrs *LinearRegressionSeries) GetLastValue() (x, y float64) { if lrs.InnerSeries == nil { return } if lrs.m == 0 && lrs.b == 0 { lrs.computeCoefficients() } endIndex := lrs.GetEffectiveWindowEnd() x, y = lrs.InnerSeries.GetValue(endIndex) y = (lrs.m * lrs.normalize(x)) + lrs.b return } func (lrs *LinearRegressionSeries) normalize(xvalue float64) float64 { return (xvalue - lrs.avgx) / lrs.stddevx } // computeCoefficients computes the `m` and `b` terms in the linear formula given by `y = mx+b`. func (lrs *LinearRegressionSeries) computeCoefficients() { startIndex := lrs.GetOffset() endIndex := lrs.GetEffectiveWindowEnd() valueCount := endIndex - startIndex p := float64(endIndex - startIndex) xvalues := NewRingBufferWithCapacity(valueCount) for index := startIndex; index < endIndex; index++ { x, _ := lrs.InnerSeries.GetValue(index) xvalues.Enqueue(x) } lrs.avgx = xvalues.Average() lrs.stddevx = xvalues.StdDev() var sumx, sumy, sumxx, sumxy float64 for index := startIndex; index < endIndex; index++ { x, y := lrs.InnerSeries.GetValue(index) x = lrs.normalize(x) sumx += x sumy += y sumxx += x * x sumxy += x * y } lrs.m = (p*sumxy - sumx*sumy) / (p*sumxx - sumx*sumx) lrs.b = (sumy / p) - (lrs.m * sumx / p) } // Render renders the series. func (lrs *LinearRegressionSeries) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, defaults Style) { style := lrs.Style.InheritFrom(defaults) DrawLineSeries(r, canvasBox, xrange, yrange, style, lrs) }