package chart import "math" // DrawLineSeries draws a line series with a renderer. func DrawLineSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, s Style, vs ValueProvider) { if vs.Len() == 0 { return } ct := canvasBox.Top cb := canvasBox.Bottom cr := canvasBox.Right v0x, v0y := vs.GetValue(0) x0 := cr - xrange.Translate(v0x) y0 := yrange.Translate(v0y) + ct var vx, vy float64 var x, y int fill := s.GetFillColor() if !fill.IsZero() { r.SetFillColor(fill) r.MoveTo(x0, y0) for i := 1; i < vs.Len(); i++ { vx, vy = vs.GetValue(i) x = cr - xrange.Translate(vx) y = yrange.Translate(vy) + ct r.LineTo(x, y) } r.LineTo(x, cb) r.LineTo(x0, cb) r.Close() r.Fill() } stroke := s.GetStrokeColor() r.SetStrokeColor(stroke) r.SetStrokeWidth(s.GetStrokeWidth(DefaultStrokeWidth)) r.MoveTo(x0, y0) for i := 1; i < vs.Len(); i++ { vx, vy = vs.GetValue(i) x = cr - xrange.Translate(vx) y = yrange.Translate(vy) + ct r.LineTo(x, y) } r.Stroke() } // MeasureAnnotation measures how big an annotation would be. func MeasureAnnotation(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, s Style, lx, ly int, label string) Box { r.SetFont(s.GetFont()) r.SetFontSize(s.GetFontSize(DefaultAnnotationFontSize)) textWidth, _ := r.MeasureText(label) textHeight := int(math.Floor(DefaultAnnotationFontSize)) halfTextHeight := textHeight >> 1 pt := s.Padding.GetTop(DefaultAnnotationPadding.Top) pl := s.Padding.GetLeft(DefaultAnnotationPadding.Left) pr := s.Padding.GetRight(DefaultAnnotationPadding.Right) pb := s.Padding.GetBottom(DefaultAnnotationPadding.Bottom) ltly := ly - (pt + halfTextHeight) ltrx := lx + pl + pr + textWidth lbry := ly + (pb + halfTextHeight) return Box{ Top: ltly, Left: lx, Right: ltrx, Bottom: lbry, Width: ltrx - lx, Height: lbry - ltly, } } // DrawAnnotation draws an anotation with a renderer. func DrawAnnotation(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, s Style, lx, ly int, label string) { r.SetFont(s.GetFont()) r.SetFontSize(s.GetFontSize(DefaultAnnotationFontSize)) textWidth, _ := r.MeasureText(label) textHeight := int(math.Floor(DefaultAnnotationFontSize)) halfTextHeight := textHeight >> 1 pt := s.Padding.GetTop(DefaultAnnotationPadding.Top) pl := s.Padding.GetLeft(DefaultAnnotationPadding.Left) pr := s.Padding.GetRight(DefaultAnnotationPadding.Right) pb := s.Padding.GetBottom(DefaultAnnotationPadding.Bottom) textX := lx + pl + DefaultAnnotationDeltaWidth textY := ly + halfTextHeight ltlx := lx + pl + DefaultAnnotationDeltaWidth ltly := ly - (pt + halfTextHeight) ltrx := lx + pl + pr + textWidth ltry := ly - (pt + halfTextHeight) lbrx := lx + pl + pr + textWidth lbry := ly + (pb + halfTextHeight) lblx := lx + DefaultAnnotationDeltaWidth lbly := ly + (pb + halfTextHeight) //draw the shape... r.SetFillColor(s.GetFillColor(DefaultAnnotationFillColor)) r.SetStrokeColor(s.GetStrokeColor()) r.SetStrokeWidth(s.GetStrokeWidth()) r.MoveTo(lx, ly) r.LineTo(ltlx, ltly) r.LineTo(ltrx, ltry) r.LineTo(lbrx, lbry) r.LineTo(lblx, lbly) r.LineTo(lx, ly) r.Close() r.FillStroke() r.SetFontColor(s.GetFontColor(DefaultTextColor)) r.Text(label, textX, textY) }