package chart import ( "image/color" "io" "" ) // Chart is what we're drawing. /* The chart box model is as follows: 0,0 width,0 cl,ct cr,ct cl,cb cr,cb 0, height width,height */ type Chart struct { Title string TitleFontSize float64 Width int Height int Padding int BackgroundColor color.RGBA CanvasBackgroundColor color.RGBA AxisShow bool AxisStyle Style AxisFontSize float64 CanvasBorderShow bool CanvasBorderStyle Style FinalValueLabelShow bool FinalValueStyle Style FontColor color.RGBA Font *truetype.Font Series []Series } // GetTitleFontSize calculates or returns the title font size. func (c Chart) GetTitleFontSize() float64 { if c.TitleFontSize != 0 { if c.TitleFontSize > DefaultMinimumFontSize { return c.TitleFontSize } } fontSize := float64(c.Height >> 3) if fontSize > DefaultMinimumFontSize { return fontSize } return DefaultMinimumFontSize } // GetCanvasTop gets the top corner pixel. func (c Chart) GetCanvasTop() int { return c.Padding } // GetCanvasLeft gets the left corner pixel. func (c Chart) GetCanvasLeft() int { return c.Padding } // GetCanvasBottom gets the bottom corner pixel. func (c Chart) GetCanvasBottom() int { return c.Height - c.Padding } // GetCanvasRight gets the right corner pixel. func (c Chart) GetCanvasRight() int { return c.Width - c.Padding } // GetCanvasWidth returns the width of the canvas. func (c Chart) GetCanvasWidth() int { if c.Padding > 0 { return c.Width - (c.Padding << 1) } return c.Width } // GetCanvasHeight returns the height of the canvas. func (c Chart) GetCanvasHeight() int { if c.Padding > 0 { return c.Height - (c.Padding << 1) } return c.Height } // GetBackgroundColor returns the chart background color. func (c Chart) GetBackgroundColor() color.RGBA { if ColorIsZero(c.BackgroundColor) { c.BackgroundColor = DefaultBackgroundColor } return c.BackgroundColor } // GetCanvasBackgroundColor returns the canvas background color. func (c Chart) GetCanvasBackgroundColor() color.RGBA { if ColorIsZero(c.CanvasBackgroundColor) { c.CanvasBackgroundColor = DefaultCanvasColor } return c.CanvasBackgroundColor } // GetTextFont returns the text font. func (c Chart) GetTextFont() (*truetype.Font, error) { if c.Font != nil { return c.Font, nil } return GetDefaultFont() } // GetTextFontColor returns the text font color. func (c Chart) GetTextFontColor() color.RGBA { if ColorIsZero(c.FontColor) { c.FontColor = DefaultTextColor } return c.FontColor } // Render renders the chart with the given renderer to the given io.Writer. func (c Chart) Render(provider RendererProvider, w io.Writer) error { r := provider(c.Width, c.Height) c.drawBackground(r) c.drawCanvas(r) c.drawAxes(r) for _, series := range c.Series { c.drawSeries(r, series) } err := c.drawTitle(r) if err != nil { return err } return r.Save(w) } func (c Chart) drawBackground(r Renderer) { r.SetStrokeColor(c.GetBackgroundColor()) r.SetFillColor(c.GetBackgroundColor()) r.SetLineWidth(0) r.MoveTo(0, 0) r.LineTo(c.Width, 0) r.LineTo(c.Width, c.Height) r.LineTo(0, c.Height) r.LineTo(0, 0) r.FillStroke() r.Close() } func (c Chart) drawCanvas(r Renderer) { if !c.CanvasBorderStyle.IsZero() { r.SetStrokeColor(c.CanvasBorderStyle.GetStrokeColor()) r.SetLineWidth(c.CanvasBorderStyle.GetStrokeWidth()) } else { r.SetStrokeColor(c.GetCanvasBackgroundColor()) r.SetLineWidth(0) } r.SetFillColor(c.GetCanvasBackgroundColor()) r.MoveTo(c.GetCanvasLeft(), c.GetCanvasTop()) r.LineTo(c.GetCanvasRight(), c.GetCanvasTop()) r.LineTo(c.GetCanvasRight(), c.GetCanvasBottom()) r.LineTo(c.GetCanvasLeft(), c.GetCanvasBottom()) r.LineTo(c.GetCanvasLeft(), c.GetCanvasTop()) r.FillStroke() r.Close() } func (c Chart) drawAxes(r Renderer) { if c.AxisShow { if !c.AxisStyle.IsZero() { r.SetStrokeColor(c.AxisStyle.GetStrokeColor()) r.SetLineWidth(c.AxisStyle.GetStrokeWidth()) } else { r.SetStrokeColor(DefaultAxisColor) r.SetLineWidth(DefaultLineWidth) } r.MoveTo(c.GetCanvasLeft(), c.GetCanvasBottom()) r.LineTo(c.GetCanvasRight(), c.GetCanvasBottom()) r.LineTo(c.GetCanvasRight(), c.GetCanvasTop()) r.Stroke() } } func (c Chart) drawSeries(r Renderer, s Series) { } func (c Chart) drawTitle(r Renderer) error { if len(c.Title) > 0 { font, err := c.GetTextFont() if err != nil { return err } r.SetFontColor(c.GetTextFontColor()) r.SetFont(font) r.SetFontSize(c.GetTitleFontSize()) textWidth := r.MeasureText(c.Title) titleX := (c.Width >> 1) - (textWidth >> 1) titleY := c.GetCanvasTop() + int(c.GetTitleFontSize()/2.0) r.Text(c.Title, titleX, titleY) } return nil }