[ Max refers to 5RM or 3RM for PowerClean ] Lifts: Squat Max: 60.5 Increment: 5, Deadlift Max: 66.0 Increment: 5, Bench Max: 42 Increment: 2.5, Press Max: 20 Increment: 2.5, PowerClean Max: 20 Increment: 2.5 SetTemplates: - empty: 5 reps @ 0% - warmups: 5 reps @ 25%, 3 reps @ 50%, 2 reps @ 75% - workset: 5 reps @ 100% - worksetsClean: 3 reps @ 100% x 5 - regularSets: empty,empty,warmups,workset x 3 - deadliftSets: empty,empty,warmups,workset - cleanSets: empty,empty,warmups,worksetsClean TrainingDays: - Squat: regularSets Press: regularSets increase Deadlift: deadliftSets increase - Squat: regularSets increase Bench: regularSets increase PowerClean: cleanSets increase "3 sets of 5 weighted chin-ups"