
This commit is contained in:
gutmet 2020-11-04 22:27:06 +01:00
commit e21ccb1bae
32 changed files with 7530 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

License.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
TDL: TrainingDescriptionLanguage and parser for weightlifting schedules.
Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Alexander Weinhold
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the following applies:
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

Readme.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
TDL is a language for weightlifting schedules and a corresponding generator.
From a file with descriptions of sets and percentages the program computes
concrete training days and plates needed.
TDL yourSchedule.tdl
You find the output in yourSchedule-TIMESTAMP.txt
See the examples folder for inspiration to writer your schedule file.
Beer Note
You can buy me a beer [here](http://paypal.me/AlexanderWeinhold).
For completeness' sake, the grammar in EBNF looks like this:
TDL = Lifts [Plates] [SetTemplates] TrainingDays EOI .
Lifts = "Lifts:" Lift {"," Lift} .
Lift = LiftIdent "Max:" Weight "Increment:" Weight [ "%" ] [ "Bar:" Weight ] .
Plates = "Plates:" Plate { "," Plate } .
Plate = Weight 'x' Amount .
SetTemplates = "SetTemplates:" "-" SetTemplate { "-" SetTemplate } .
SetTemplate = SetTemplateIdent SetTemplateItem { ',' SetTemplateItem } .
SetTemplateItem = SetTemplateIdent | Set [ 'x' Amount ] .
Set = Amount "reps" '@' Percentage '%' [ '+' Weight ] [ 'x' Amount ] [ Notice ] .
TrainingDays = "TrainingDays:" "-" TrainingDay { "-" TrainingDay } .
TrainingDay = TrainingDayItem { TrainingDayItem } .
TrainingDayItem = string | LiftSchedule.
LiftSchedule = LiftIdent ':' SetTemplateItem { ',' SetTemplateItem } [ "increase" [ Weight [ "%" ] ] ] .
Amount = integer .
Percentage = integer|float .
Weight = integer|float .
LiftIdent = ident .
SetTemplateIdent = ident .
Notice = '(' ANY ')' .
Comments can be enclosed in square brackets and are ignored.

TDL.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
package main
import (
const (
STAMP_FORMAT = "20060102-150405"
func checkUsage(debugFlag string, args []string) {
if debugFlag != "" && debugFlag != "lexer" && debugFlag != "parser" && debugFlag != "search" {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "invalid value for 'debug'")
if len(args) != 1 {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "USAGE:", os.Args[0], "FILE")
func outfile(infile string) io.Writer {
basename := path.Base(infile)
extension := path.Ext(basename)
basename = strings.TrimSuffix(basename, extension)
name := basename + time.Now().Format(STAMP_FORMAT) + ".txt"
f, err := os.OpenFile(name, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
return f
func main() {
var debug string
var stdout bool
flag.StringVar(&debug, "debug", "", "debug output of 'lexer', 'parser' or 'search'")
flag.BoolVar(&stdout, "stdout", false, "use stdout instead of file output")
args := flag.Args()
checkUsage(debug, args)
filename := args[0]
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
} else {
input := []rune(string(bytes))
switch debug {
case "lexer":
DebugLexer(input, os.Stdout)
case "parser":
DebugParser(input, os.Stdout)
case "search":
parsed := NewParser(input).Parse()
var writer io.Writer
if stdout {
writer = os.Stdout
} else {
writer = outfile(filename)
generator := NewStdGenerator(writer)

TDL_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
package main
import (
func exampleFiles() []string {
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir("example")
if err != nil {
names := []string{}
for _, file := range files {
names = append(names, path.Join("example", file.Name()))
return names
func referenceFile(infile string, suffix string) string {
return path.Join("test", path.Base(infile)+suffix)
func readFile(t *testing.T, file string) string {
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
if err != nil {
return string(bytes)
func TestLexer(t *testing.T) {
for _, file := range exampleFiles() {
t.Run(file, func(t *testing.T) {
input := readFile(t, file)
var buf bytes.Buffer
DebugLexer([]rune(input), &buf)
output := buf.String()
reference := readFile(t, referenceFile(file, ".lexer"))
if output != reference {
func TestParser(t *testing.T) {
for _, file := range exampleFiles() {
t.Run(file, func(t *testing.T) {
input := readFile(t, file)
var buf bytes.Buffer
DebugParser([]rune(input), &buf)
output := buf.String()
reference := readFile(t, referenceFile(file, ".parser"))
if output != reference {
func TestSearch(t *testing.T) {
available := map[float64]int{
20: 26,
10: 2,
5: 2,
2.5: 2,
1.25: 2,
0.5: 2,
tests := map[float64][]float64{
17: []float64{5, 2.5, 0.5},
42: []float64{20, 0.5},
80: []float64{20, 20},
for input, reference := range tests {
t.Run("search"+fmt.Sprint(input), func(t *testing.T) {
output := SearchPlates(available, input)
if len(reference) != len(output) {
for i := 0; i < len(reference); i++ {
if reference[i] != output[i] {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
Squat Max: 200 Increment: 5,
Deadlift Max: 250 Increment: 5,
Bench Max: 120 Increment: 2.5,
Press Max: 90 Increment: 2.5
- warmup:
5 reps @ 40%,
5 reps @ 50%,
3 reps @ 60%
- fiveRep:
5 reps @ 65%,
5 reps @ 75%,
5 reps @ 85%,
10 reps @ 50% x 5
- threeRep:
3 reps @ 70%,
3 reps @ 80%,
3 reps @ 90%,
10 reps @ 50% x 5
- oneRep:
5 reps @ 75%,
3 reps @ 85%,
1 reps @ 95%,
10 reps @ 50% x 5
- deload:
5 reps @ 40% x 2,
5 reps @ 50% x 2,
3 reps @ 60% x 2
- Press: fiveRep
"5 sets of 10 chin-ups"
- Deadlift: fiveRep
"5 sets of 15 hanging leg raises"
- Bench: fiveRep
"5 sets of 10 dumbbell rows"
- Squat: fiveRep
"5 sets of 10 leg curls"
- Press: threeRep
"5 sets of 10 chin-ups"
- Deadlift: threeRep
"5 sets of 15 hanging leg raises"
- Bench: threeRep
"5 sets of 10 dumbbell rows"
- Squat: threeRep
"5 sets of 10 leg curls"
- Press: oneRep
"5 sets of 10 chin-ups"
- Deadlift: oneRep
"5 sets of 15 hanging leg raises"
- Bench: oneRep
"5 sets of 10 dumbbell rows"
- Squat: oneRep
"5 sets of 10 leg curls"
- Press: deload increase
"5 sets of 10 chin-ups"
- Deadlift: deload increase
"5 sets of 15 hanging leg raises"
- Bench: deload increase
"5 sets of 10 dumbbell rows"
- Squat: deload increase
"5 sets of 10 leg curls"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
* Max means 5RM in this context. Start with 92% of your
* actual 5RM, you are supposed to pass that number
* between weeks 3 and 4
Squat Max: 180 Increment: 2.5%,
HighPull Max: 120 Increment: 2.5%,
Bench Max: 100 Increment: 2.5%,
Press Max: 75 Increment: 2.5%,
Clean Max: 80 Increment: 2.5%
- Warmup:
5 reps @ 40%,
5 reps @ 55%,
5 reps @ 70%
- MondaySets:
5 reps @ 85%,
5 reps @ 100%
- WednesdaySquat:
5 reps @ 70%
- WednesdayOther:
5 reps @ 55%,
5 reps @ 70%,
5 reps @ 85%,
5 reps @ 100%
- FridaySets:
5 reps @ 85%,
3 reps @ 102.5%,
8 reps @ 70%
- Squat: MondaySets
Bench: MondaySets
Clean: MondaySets
"2 sets of weighted hypers"
"4 sets of weighted sit-ups"
- Squat: WednesdaySquat
Press: WednesdayOther increase
HighPull: WednesdayOther increase
"3 sets of sit-ups"
- Squat: FridaySets increase
Bench: FridaySets increase
Clean: FridaySets increase
"3 sets of weighted dips (5-8 reps)"
"3 sets of barbell curls"
"3 sets of triceps extensons (8 reps)"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
Squat Max: 200 Increment: 0
[ Week one ]
- Squat: 8 reps @ 65% x 3, 5 reps @ 70%, 2 reps @ 75% x 2, 1 reps @ 80%
- Squat: 8 reps @ 65% x 3, 5 reps @ 70%, 2 reps @ 75% x 2, 1 reps @ 80%
- Squat: 5 reps @ 70% x 4, 3 reps @ 75%, 2 reps @ 80% x 2, 1 reps @ 90%
[ Week two ]
- "Lunges"
Squat: 5 reps @ 80%
- "Lunges"
Squat: 5 reps @ 82.5%
- "Lunges"
Squat: 5 reps @ 85%
[ Week three ]
- Squat: 9 reps @ 70% x 4
- Squat: 7 reps @ 75% x 5
- Squat: 5 reps @ 80% x 7
- Squat: 3 reps @ 85% x 10
[ Week four ]
- Squat: 9 reps @ 70% + 9 x 4
- Squat: 7 reps @ 75% + 9 x 5
- Squat: 5 reps @ 80% + 9 x 7
- Squat: 3 reps @ 85% + 9 x 10
[ Week five ]
- Squat: 9 reps @ 70% + 13.5 x 4
- Squat: 7 reps @ 75% + 13.5 x 5
- Squat: 5 reps @ 80% + 13.5 x 7
- Squat: 3 reps @ 85% + 13.5 x 10
[ Week six ]
- "Rest"
- "Rest"
- "Build to 1RM"
- "Build to 1RM"
[ Continue with Part 2 ]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
[ Max is your 1RM of part one ]
Squat Max: 230 Increment: 0
[ Week seven ]
- Squat: 1 reps @ 50% (several with dynamic effort)
- Squat: 1 reps @ 50% (several with dynamic effort)
- Squat: 1 reps @ 50% (several with dynamic effort)
[ Week eight ]
- Squat: 1 reps @ 50% (several with dynamic effort)
- Squat: 1 reps @ 50% (several with dynamic effort)
- Squat: 1 reps @ 50% (several with dynamic effort)
[ Week nine ]
- Squat: 3 reps @ 65%, 4 reps @ 75%, 4 reps @ 85% x 3, 5 reps @ 85%
- Squat: 3 reps @ 60%, 3 reps @ 70%, 4 reps @ 80%, 3 reps @ 90%, 5 reps @ 85% x 2
- Squat: 4 reps @ 65%, 4 reps @ 70%, 4 reps @ 80% x 5
[ Week ten ]
- Squat: 4 reps @ 60%, 4 reps @ 70%, 4 reps @ 80%, 3 reps @ 90%, 4 reps @ 90% x 2
- Squat: 3 reps @ 65%, 3 reps @ 75%, 3 reps @ 85%, 3 reps @ 90% x 3, 3 reps @ 95%
- Squat: 3 reps @ 65%, 3 reps @ 75%, 4 reps @ 85%, 5 reps @ 90%
[ Week eleven ]
- Squat: 3 reps @ 60%, 3 reps @ 70%, 3 reps @ 80%, 5 reps @ 90% x 5
- Squat: 3 reps @ 60%, 3 reps @ 70%, 3 reps @ 80%, 3 reps @ 95% x 2
- Squat: 3 reps @ 65%, 3 reps @ 75%, 3 reps @ 85%, 3 reps @ 95% x 4
[ Week twelve ]
- Squat: 3 reps @ 70%, 4 reps @ 80%, 5 reps @ 90% x 5
- Squat: 3 reps @ 70%, 3 reps @ 80%, 3 reps @ 95% x 4
- Squat: 3 reps @ 75%, 4 reps @ 90%, 4 reps @ 80% x 3
[ Taper Week ]
- Squat: 3 reps @ 70%, 3 reps @ 80%, 5 reps @ 90% x 2, 4 reps @ 95%
- Squat: 4 reps @ 75%, 4 reps @ 85% x 4
- "Build to 1RM"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
[ Max refers to 5RM or 3RM for PowerClean ]
Squat Max: 60.5 Increment: 5,
Deadlift Max: 66.0 Increment: 5,
Bench Max: 42 Increment: 2.5,
Press Max: 20 Increment: 2.5,
PowerClean Max: 20 Increment: 2.5
- empty:
5 reps @ 0%
- warmups:
5 reps @ 25%,
3 reps @ 50%,
2 reps @ 75%
- workset:
5 reps @ 100%
- worksetsClean:
3 reps @ 100% x 5
- regularSets:
empty,empty,warmups,workset x 3
- deadliftSets:
- cleanSets:
- Squat: regularSets
Press: regularSets increase
Deadlift: deadliftSets increase
- Squat: regularSets increase
Bench: regularSets increase
PowerClean: cleanSets increase
"3 sets of 5 weighted chin-ups"

example/Texas_Method.tdl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
[ Max refers to 5RM or 3RM for PowerClean ]
Squat Max: 180 Increment: 2.5,
Deadlift Max: 210 Increment: 2.5,
Bench Max: 120 Increment: 1.25,
Press Max: 80 Increment: 1.25,
PowerClean Max: 80 Increment: 1.25
- empty:
5 reps @ 0%
- warmups:
3 reps @ 25%,
2 reps @ 50%,
2 reps @ 75%
- worksetMonday:
5 reps @ 90%
- worksetFriday:
5 reps @ 100%
- Squat: empty, empty, warmups, worksetMonday x 5
Bench: empty, warmups, worksetMonday x 5
Deadlift: empty, warmups, worksetMonday
- Squat: empty, empty, warmups, 5 reps @ 72% x 2 increase
Press: empty, warmups, 5 reps @ 81% x 3 increase
"3 sets of bodyweight Chin-ups"
"5 sets of 10 Back Extensions or Glute-Ham Raises"
- Squat: empty, empty, warmups, 5 reps @ 100%
Bench: empty, warmups, 5 reps @ 100%
PowerClean: empty, warmups, 3 reps @ 90% x 5
- Squat: empty, empty, warmups, worksetMonday x 5
Press: empty, warmups, worksetMonday x 5
Deadlift: empty, warmups, worksetMonday
- Squat: empty, empty, warmups, 5 reps @ 72% x 2 increase
Bench: empty, warmups, 5 reps @ 81% x 3 increase
"3 sets of bodyweight Chin-ups"
"5 sets of 10 Back Extensions or Glute-Ham Raises"
- Squat: empty, empty, warmups, 5 reps @ 100%
Press: empty, warmups, 5 reps @ 100%
PowerClean: empty, warmups, 3 reps @ 90% x 5

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
OHP Max: 100 Increment: 2.5 [another comment]
20 x 2
- OHP: 5 reps @ 100%

generator.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
package main
import (
type Generator interface {
func semanticError(v ...interface{}) {
v = append([]interface{}{"semantic error"}, v...)
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, v...)
func formatFloat(f float64) string {
return strconv.FormatFloat(f, 'f', 2, 64)
func minOne(i int) int {
if i < 1 {
return 1
} else {
return i
type tableLine struct {
cols [3]string
func newTableLine(first, second, third string) tableLine {
return tableLine{[3]string{first, second, third}}
func columnLengths(lines []tableLine) [3]int {
max := [3]int{0, 0, 0}
for _, line := range lines {
for i := 0; i < len(line.cols); i++ {
if n := len([]rune(line.cols[i])); n > max[i] {
max[i] = n
return max
func getTableFormat(lengths [3]int) string {
format := "|"
for _, length := range lengths {
format += " %-" + strconv.Itoa(length) + "s |"
return format + "\n"
type StdGenerator struct {
schedule TDL
plates map[float64]int
writer *bufio.Writer
func NewStdGenerator(writer io.Writer) *StdGenerator {
return &StdGenerator{writer: bufio.NewWriter(writer)}
func (g *StdGenerator) write(v ...string) {
for _, s := range v {
func (g *StdGenerator) writeLine(v ...string) {
func (g *StdGenerator) writeTable(heading tableLine, lines []tableLine) {
lengths := columnLengths(append(lines, heading))
formatString := getTableFormat(lengths)
fmt.Fprintf(g.writer, formatString, heading.cols[0], heading.cols[1], heading.cols[2])
fmt.Fprintf(g.writer, formatString, strings.Repeat("-", lengths[0]), strings.Repeat("-", lengths[1]), strings.Repeat("-", lengths[2]))
for _, line := range lines {
fmt.Fprintf(g.writer, formatString, line.cols[0], line.cols[1], line.cols[2])
func (g *StdGenerator) init(schedule TDL) {
g.schedule = schedule.Clone()
g.plates = make(map[float64]int)
for _, plate := range schedule.Plates {
if _, ok := g.plates[plate.Weight]; ok {
g.plates[plate.Weight] += plate.Amount
} else {
g.plates[plate.Weight] = plate.Amount
if len(g.plates) == 0 {
g.plates = map[float64]int{
20.0: 26,
10.0: 2,
5.00: 2,
2.50: 2,
1.25: 2,
for i := range g.schedule.Lifts {
if g.schedule.Lifts[i].Bar == 0 {
g.schedule.Lifts[i].Bar = 20
func (g *StdGenerator) Generate(schedule TDL) {
func (g *StdGenerator) getLift(name string) *Lift {
for i := range g.schedule.Lifts {
if lift := &g.schedule.Lifts[i]; lift.Name == name {
return lift
semanticError("unknown lift '", name, "'")
return nil
func (g *StdGenerator) increaseLift(lift *Lift, amount float64, relative bool) {
if amount == 0 {
amount = lift.Increment
relative = lift.IncrementPercent
if relative {
lift.Max *= amount / 100.0
} else {
lift.Max += amount
func (g *StdGenerator) getSetTemplate(name string) SetTemplate {
for _, template := range g.schedule.SetTemplates {
if template.Name == name {
return template
semanticError("unknown set template '", name, "'")
return SetTemplate{}
func (g *StdGenerator) printMaxes() {
for _, lift := range g.schedule.Lifts {
g.writeLine(lift.Name, ": ", formatFloat(lift.Max))
func (g *StdGenerator) printTrainingDays() {
for i, day := range g.schedule.TrainingDays {
g.writeLine("Day ", strconv.Itoa(i+1))
for _, item := range day.Items {
func (g *StdGenerator) printTrainingDayItem(item TrainingDayItem) {
if item.Raw != "" {
} else {
func (g *StdGenerator) printLiftSchedule(ls LiftSchedule) {
lift := g.getLift(ls.LiftName)
heading := newTableLine("Set", "Plates", "Resulting")
lines := []tableLine{}
for _, item := range ls.Items {
g.linesSetTemplateItem(&lines, lift, item)
g.writeTable(heading, lines)
if ls.Increase {
g.increaseLift(lift, ls.IncreaseAmount, ls.IncreasePercent)
func (g *StdGenerator) linesSetTemplate(lines *[]tableLine, lift *Lift, template SetTemplate) {
for _, item := range template.Items {
g.linesSetTemplateItem(lines, lift, item)
func (g *StdGenerator) linesSetTemplateItem(lines *[]tableLine, lift *Lift, item SetTemplateItem) {
for i := 0; i < minOne(item.Amount); i++ {
if item.ReferenceName != "" {
g.linesSetTemplate(lines, lift, g.getSetTemplate(item.ReferenceName))
} else {
g.linesSet(lines, lift, item.Set)
func (g *StdGenerator) linesSet(lines *[]tableLine, lift *Lift, set Set) {
weight := lift.Max*set.Percentage/100.0 + set.PlusWeight
plates, resulting := g.searchPlates(weight, lift.Bar)
firstColumn := formatFloat(weight) + " x " + strconv.Itoa(set.Reps)
if set.Amount > 1 {
firstColumn += " x " + strconv.Itoa(set.Amount)
if set.Notice != "" {
firstColumn += " " + set.Notice
*lines = append(*lines, newTableLine(firstColumn, plates, resulting))
func (g *StdGenerator) searchPlates(weight float64, bar float64) (string, string) {
remaining := weight - bar
if remaining <= 0 {
return "", formatFloat(bar)
plateSequence := SearchPlates(g.plates, remaining)
resulting := bar
platesCounted := make(map[float64]int)
for _, plate := range plateSequence {
platesCounted[plate] = 0
resulting += 2 * plate
for _, plate := range plateSequence {
platesCounted[plate] += 1
plateString := ""
for _, plate := range plateSequence {
if platesCounted[plate] == 0 {
count := platesCounted[plate]
platesCounted[plate] = 0
if plateString != "" {
plateString += ", "
plateString += fmt.Sprint(plate)
if count > 1 {
plateString += "x" + strconv.Itoa(count)
return plateString, formatFloat(resulting)

go.mod Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
module TDL
go 1.14

lexer.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
package main
import (
type SymType int
const (
SymNone SymType = iota
func (t SymType) String() string {
switch t {
case SymNone:
return "none"
case SymUnknown:
return "unknown"
case SymEOI:
return "EOI"
case SymPreamble:
return "preamble"
case SymComma:
return ","
case SymPercent:
return "%"
case SymTimes:
return "x"
case SymDash:
return "-"
case SymAt:
return "@"
case SymPlus:
return "+"
case SymNotice:
return "notice"
case SymBrokenNotice:
return "broken notice"
case SymString:
return "string"
case SymBrokenString:
return "broken string"
case SymInteger:
return "integer"
case SymFloat:
return "float"
case SymIdent:
return "identifier"
case SymReps:
return "reps"
case SymIncrease:
return "increase"
return "(no description for token, this should not have happened)"
type Sym struct {
Type SymType
Value string
func (s Sym) String() string {
return "(" + s.Type.String() + " - '" + s.Value + "')"
type Lexer struct {
input []rune
symStart int
pos int
line int
ch rune
func NewLexer(input []rune) *Lexer {
return &Lexer{input: input, pos: -1, line: 1}
func (l *Lexer) getCh() {
if l.pos >= len(l.input)-1 {
l.pos = len(l.input)
l.ch = 0
} else {
l.ch = l.input[l.pos]
func (l *Lexer) isEOI() bool {
return l.ch == 0 && l.pos >= len(l.input)-1
func (l *Lexer) symbolValue() string {
return string(l.input[l.symStart:l.pos])
func (l *Lexer) skipWhitespace() {
inComment := false
for unicode.IsSpace(l.ch) || (l.ch == 0 && !l.isEOI()) || l.ch == '[' || inComment {
if l.ch == '[' {
inComment = true
if l.ch == ']' {
inComment = false
if l.ch == '\n' {
func (l *Lexer) Lex() Sym {
sym := SymNone
var start int
for sym == SymNone {
start = l.pos
switch l.ch {
case 0:
if l.isEOI() {
sym = SymEOI
} else {
case ',':
sym = SymComma
case '%':
sym = SymPercent
case 'x':
sym = SymTimes
case '-':
sym = SymDash
case '@':
sym = SymAt
case '+':
sym = SymPlus
case '(':
sym = SymNotice
for l.ch != ')' && l.ch != '\n' && !l.isEOI() {
if l.ch != ')' {
sym = SymBrokenNotice
} else {
case '"':
sym = SymString
for l.ch != '"' && l.ch != '\n' && !l.isEOI() {
if l.ch != '"' {
sym = SymBrokenString
} else {
case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
sym = SymInteger
for l.ch >= '0' && l.ch <= '9' {
if l.ch == '.' {
sym = SymFloat
for l.ch >= '0' && l.ch <= '9' {
if unicode.IsLetter(l.ch) {
sym = SymIdent
for unicode.IsLetter(l.ch) || unicode.IsDigit(l.ch) {
if l.ch == ':' {
sym = SymPreamble
val := string(l.input[start:l.pos])
if val == "reps" {
sym = SymReps
} else if val == "increase" {
sym = SymIncrease
} else {
sym = SymUnknown
l.symStart = start
return Sym{sym, l.symbolValue()}
func DebugLexer(input []rune, writer io.Writer) {
l := NewLexer(input)
for tok := l.Lex(); tok.Type != SymEOI; tok = l.Lex() {
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "line %d: %v\n", l.line, tok)

parser.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
package main
import (
func DebugParser(input []rune, writer io.Writer) {
p := NewParser(input)
tdl := p.Parse()
fmt.Fprintln(writer, string(tdl.JSON()))
type Parser struct {
lexer *Lexer
sym Sym
func NewParser(input []rune) *Parser {
p := &Parser{lexer: NewLexer(input)}
return p
func (p *Parser) exitWith(v ...interface{}) {
v = append([]interface{}{"syntax error in line", p.lexer.line, ":"}, v...)
func (p *Parser) invalid(what string) {
p.exitWith("invalid", what, ">", p.sym.Value, "<")
func (p *Parser) string() string {
val := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimSuffix(p.sym.Value, "\""), "\"")
if p.sym.Type != SymString {
return val
func (p *Parser) ident() string {
val := p.sym.Value
if p.sym.Type != SymIdent {
return val
func (p *Parser) notice() string {
val := p.sym.Value
if p.sym.Type != SymNotice {
return val
func (p *Parser) float() float64 {
val := p.sym.Value
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(val, 64)
if err != nil || (p.sym.Type != SymFloat && p.sym.Type != SymInteger) {
return f
func (p *Parser) int() int {
val := p.sym.Value
i, err := strconv.Atoi(val)
if err != nil || p.sym.Type != SymInteger {
return i
func (p *Parser) get() {
p.sym = p.lexer.Lex()
func (p *Parser) expect(symTypes ...SymType) {
expected := []string{}
for _, symType := range symTypes {
if p.sym.Type == symType {
expected = append(expected, symType.String())
p.exitWith("expected >", strings.Join(expected, " or "), "< but got:", p.sym)
func (p *Parser) hasPreamble(s string) bool {
return p.sym.Type == SymPreamble && p.sym.Value == s
func (p *Parser) expectPreamble(s string) {
if p.hasPreamble(s) {
} else {
p.exitWith("expected preamble >", s, "< but got:", p.sym)
func (p *Parser) Parse() (r TDL) {
r = TDL{}
r.Lifts = p.Lifts()
if p.hasPreamble("Plates:") {
r.Plates = p.Plates()
if p.hasPreamble("SetTemplates:") {
r.SetTemplates = p.SetTemplates()
r.TrainingDays = p.TrainingDays()
func (p *Parser) Lifts() (r []Lift) {
r = append(r, p.Lift())
for p.sym.Type == SymComma {
r = append(r, p.Lift())
func (p *Parser) Lift() (r Lift) {
r.Name = p.ident()
r.Max = p.float()
r.Increment = p.float()
if p.sym.Type == SymPercent {
r.IncrementPercent = true
if p.hasPreamble("Bar:") {
r.Bar = p.float()
func (p *Parser) Plates() (r []Plate) {
r = append(r, p.Plate())
for p.sym.Type == SymComma {
r = append(r, p.Plate())
return r
func (p *Parser) Plate() (r Plate) {
r.Weight = p.float()
r.Amount = p.int()
func (p *Parser) SetTemplates() (r []SetTemplate) {
r = append(r, p.SetTemplate())
for p.sym.Type == SymDash {
r = append(r, p.SetTemplate())
func (p *Parser) SetTemplate() (r SetTemplate) {
if p.sym.Type == SymPreamble {
r.Name = strings.TrimSuffix(p.sym.Value, ":")
} else {
r.Items = append(r.Items, p.SetTemplateItem())
for p.sym.Type == SymComma {
r.Items = append(r.Items, p.SetTemplateItem())
func (p *Parser) SetTemplateItem() (r SetTemplateItem) {
if p.sym.Type == SymIdent {
r.ReferenceName = p.ident()
} else {
r.Set = p.Set()
if p.sym.Type == SymTimes {
r.Amount = p.int()
func (p *Parser) Set() (r Set) {
r.Reps = p.int()
r.Percentage = p.float()
if p.sym.Type == SymPlus {
r.PlusWeight = p.float()
if p.sym.Type == SymTimes {
r.Amount = p.int()
if p.sym.Type == SymNotice {
r.Notice = p.notice()
func (p *Parser) TrainingDays() (r []TrainingDay) {
r = append(r, p.TrainingDay())
for p.sym.Type == SymDash {
r = append(r, p.TrainingDay())
func (p *Parser) TrainingDay() (r TrainingDay) {
for p.sym.Type != SymDash && p.sym.Type != SymEOI {
r.Items = append(r.Items, p.TrainingDayItem())
func (p *Parser) TrainingDayItem() (r TrainingDayItem) {
if p.sym.Type == SymString {
r.Raw = p.string()
} else {
r.LiftSchedule = p.LiftSchedule()
func (p *Parser) LiftSchedule() (r LiftSchedule) {
if p.sym.Type == SymPreamble {
r.LiftName = strings.TrimSuffix(p.sym.Value, ":")
} else {
r.Items = append(r.Items, p.SetTemplateItem())
for p.sym.Type == SymComma {
r.Items = append(r.Items, p.SetTemplateItem())
if p.sym.Type == SymIncrease {
r.Increase = true
if p.sym.Type == SymFloat || p.sym.Type == SymInteger {
r.IncreaseAmount = p.float()
if p.sym.Type == SymPercent {
r.IncreasePercent = true

plateSearch.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
package main
import (
const (
var debugSearch bool
type DummyWriter struct {
func (d DummyWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
n = len(p)
func DebugSearch(input []rune) {
debugSearch = true
parsed := NewParser(input).Parse()
generator := NewStdGenerator(DummyWriter{})
func SearchPlates(plates map[float64]int, goalWeight float64) []float64 {
if debugSearch {
fmt.Println("searching", goalWeight)
root := &DFSNode{}
root.remainingWeight = goalWeight
root.residualPlates = make(map[float64]int)
root.plate = -1
for k, v := range plates {
root.residualPlates[k] = v
optimum := root
usedPlates := optimum.usedPlates()
if debugSearch {
fmt.Println("found", usedPlates)
return usedPlates
type DFSNode struct {
parent *DFSNode
depth int
remainingWeight float64
plate float64
residualPlates map[float64]int
func (parent *DFSNode) newChild(plate float64) *DFSNode {
node := &DFSNode{}
node.parent = parent
node.depth = parent.depth + 1
node.remainingWeight = parent.remainingWeight - plate*2
node.plate = plate
node.residualPlates = make(map[float64]int)
for k, v := range parent.residualPlates {
node.residualPlates[k] = v
node.residualPlates[plate] -= 2
return node
func (n *DFSNode) usedPlates() (plates []float64) {
for node := n; node != nil; node = node.parent {
if node.plate > 0 {
plates = append([]float64{node.plate}, plates...)
func (n *DFSNode) successors() (children []*DFSNode) {
keys := []float64{}
for weight, amount := range n.residualPlates {
if amount >= 2 && weight*2 <= n.remainingWeight && (n.plate == -1 || weight <= n.plate) && n.remainingWeight/weight <= INFINITY {
keys = append(keys, weight)
for i := len(keys) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
children = append(children, n.newChild(keys[i]))
func (n *DFSNode) search(optimum **DFSNode) {
successors := n.successors()
if len(successors) == 0 {
// leaf
if n.remainingWeight < (*optimum).remainingWeight || (n.remainingWeight == (*optimum).remainingWeight && n.depth < (*optimum).depth) {
*optimum = n
if debugSearch {
fmt.Printf("optimum: residual plates %v, remaining weight %v\n", (*optimum).residualPlates, (*optimum).remainingWeight)
} else {
for _, succ := range successors {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
line 1: (preamble - 'Lifts:')
line 2: (identifier - 'Squat')
line 2: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 2: (integer - '200')
line 2: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 2: (integer - '5')
line 2: (, - ',')
line 3: (identifier - 'Deadlift')
line 3: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 3: (integer - '250')
line 3: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 3: (integer - '5')
line 3: (, - ',')
line 4: (identifier - 'Bench')
line 4: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 4: (integer - '120')
line 4: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 4: (float - '2.5')
line 4: (, - ',')
line 5: (identifier - 'Press')
line 5: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 5: (integer - '90')
line 5: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 5: (float - '2.5')
line 7: (preamble - 'SetTemplates:')
line 8: (- - '-')
line 8: (preamble - 'warmup:')
line 9: (integer - '5')
line 9: (reps - 'reps')
line 9: (@ - '@')
line 9: (integer - '40')
line 9: (% - '%')
line 9: (, - ',')
line 10: (integer - '5')
line 10: (reps - 'reps')
line 10: (@ - '@')
line 10: (integer - '50')
line 10: (% - '%')
line 10: (, - ',')
line 11: (integer - '3')
line 11: (reps - 'reps')
line 11: (@ - '@')
line 11: (integer - '60')
line 11: (% - '%')
line 13: (- - '-')
line 13: (preamble - 'fiveRep:')
line 14: (identifier - 'warmup')
line 14: (, - ',')
line 15: (integer - '5')
line 15: (reps - 'reps')
line 15: (@ - '@')
line 15: (integer - '65')
line 15: (% - '%')
line 15: (, - ',')
line 16: (integer - '5')
line 16: (reps - 'reps')
line 16: (@ - '@')
line 16: (integer - '75')
line 16: (% - '%')
line 16: (, - ',')
line 17: (integer - '5')
line 17: (reps - 'reps')
line 17: (@ - '@')
line 17: (integer - '85')
line 17: (% - '%')
line 17: (, - ',')
line 18: (integer - '10')
line 18: (reps - 'reps')
line 18: (@ - '@')
line 18: (integer - '50')
line 18: (% - '%')
line 18: (x - 'x')
line 18: (integer - '5')
line 20: (- - '-')
line 20: (preamble - 'threeRep:')
line 21: (identifier - 'warmup')
line 21: (, - ',')
line 22: (integer - '3')
line 22: (reps - 'reps')
line 22: (@ - '@')
line 22: (integer - '70')
line 22: (% - '%')
line 22: (, - ',')
line 23: (integer - '3')
line 23: (reps - 'reps')
line 23: (@ - '@')
line 23: (integer - '80')
line 23: (% - '%')
line 23: (, - ',')
line 24: (integer - '3')
line 24: (reps - 'reps')
line 24: (@ - '@')
line 24: (integer - '90')
line 24: (% - '%')
line 24: (, - ',')
line 25: (integer - '10')
line 25: (reps - 'reps')
line 25: (@ - '@')
line 25: (integer - '50')
line 25: (% - '%')
line 25: (x - 'x')
line 25: (integer - '5')
line 27: (- - '-')
line 27: (preamble - 'oneRep:')
line 28: (identifier - 'warmup')
line 28: (, - ',')
line 29: (integer - '5')
line 29: (reps - 'reps')
line 29: (@ - '@')
line 29: (integer - '75')
line 29: (% - '%')
line 29: (, - ',')
line 30: (integer - '3')
line 30: (reps - 'reps')
line 30: (@ - '@')
line 30: (integer - '85')
line 30: (% - '%')
line 30: (, - ',')
line 31: (integer - '1')
line 31: (reps - 'reps')
line 31: (@ - '@')
line 31: (integer - '95')
line 31: (% - '%')
line 31: (, - ',')
line 32: (integer - '10')
line 32: (reps - 'reps')
line 32: (@ - '@')
line 32: (integer - '50')
line 32: (% - '%')
line 32: (x - 'x')
line 32: (integer - '5')
line 34: (- - '-')
line 34: (preamble - 'deload:')
line 35: (integer - '5')
line 35: (reps - 'reps')
line 35: (@ - '@')
line 35: (integer - '40')
line 35: (% - '%')
line 35: (x - 'x')
line 35: (integer - '2')
line 35: (, - ',')
line 36: (integer - '5')
line 36: (reps - 'reps')
line 36: (@ - '@')
line 36: (integer - '50')
line 36: (% - '%')
line 36: (x - 'x')
line 36: (integer - '2')
line 36: (, - ',')
line 37: (integer - '3')
line 37: (reps - 'reps')
line 37: (@ - '@')
line 37: (integer - '60')
line 37: (% - '%')
line 37: (x - 'x')
line 37: (integer - '2')
line 39: (preamble - 'TrainingDays:')
line 41: (- - '-')
line 41: (preamble - 'Press:')
line 41: (identifier - 'fiveRep')
line 42: (string - '"5 sets of 10 chin-ups"')
line 44: (- - '-')
line 44: (preamble - 'Deadlift:')
line 44: (identifier - 'fiveRep')
line 45: (string - '"5 sets of 15 hanging leg raises"')
line 47: (- - '-')
line 47: (preamble - 'Bench:')
line 47: (identifier - 'fiveRep')
line 48: (string - '"5 sets of 10 dumbbell rows"')
line 50: (- - '-')
line 50: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 50: (identifier - 'fiveRep')
line 51: (string - '"5 sets of 10 leg curls"')
line 54: (- - '-')
line 54: (preamble - 'Press:')
line 54: (identifier - 'threeRep')
line 55: (string - '"5 sets of 10 chin-ups"')
line 57: (- - '-')
line 57: (preamble - 'Deadlift:')
line 57: (identifier - 'threeRep')
line 58: (string - '"5 sets of 15 hanging leg raises"')
line 60: (- - '-')
line 60: (preamble - 'Bench:')
line 60: (identifier - 'threeRep')
line 61: (string - '"5 sets of 10 dumbbell rows"')
line 63: (- - '-')
line 63: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 63: (identifier - 'threeRep')
line 64: (string - '"5 sets of 10 leg curls"')
line 67: (- - '-')
line 67: (preamble - 'Press:')
line 67: (identifier - 'oneRep')
line 68: (string - '"5 sets of 10 chin-ups"')
line 70: (- - '-')
line 70: (preamble - 'Deadlift:')
line 70: (identifier - 'oneRep')
line 71: (string - '"5 sets of 15 hanging leg raises"')
line 73: (- - '-')
line 73: (preamble - 'Bench:')
line 73: (identifier - 'oneRep')
line 74: (string - '"5 sets of 10 dumbbell rows"')
line 76: (- - '-')
line 76: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 76: (identifier - 'oneRep')
line 77: (string - '"5 sets of 10 leg curls"')
line 80: (- - '-')
line 80: (preamble - 'Press:')
line 80: (identifier - 'deload')
line 80: (increase - 'increase')
line 81: (string - '"5 sets of 10 chin-ups"')
line 83: (- - '-')
line 83: (preamble - 'Deadlift:')
line 83: (identifier - 'deload')
line 83: (increase - 'increase')
line 84: (string - '"5 sets of 15 hanging leg raises"')
line 86: (- - '-')
line 86: (preamble - 'Bench:')
line 86: (identifier - 'deload')
line 86: (increase - 'increase')
line 87: (string - '"5 sets of 10 dumbbell rows"')
line 89: (- - '-')
line 89: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 89: (identifier - 'deload')
line 89: (increase - 'increase')
line 90: (string - '"5 sets of 10 leg curls"')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,869 @@
"Lifts": [
"Name": "Squat",
"Max": 200,
"Increment": 5,
"IncrementPercent": false,
"Bar": 0
"Name": "Deadlift",
"Max": 250,
"Increment": 5,
"IncrementPercent": false,
"Bar": 0
"Name": "Bench",
"Max": 120,
"Increment": 2.5,
"IncrementPercent": false,
"Bar": 0
"Name": "Press",
"Max": 90,
"Increment": 2.5,
"IncrementPercent": false,
"Bar": 0
"Plates": null,
"SetTemplates": [
"Name": "warmup",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 40,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 50,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 60,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Name": "fiveRep",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmup",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 65,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 75,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 85,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 10,
"Percentage": 50,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 5,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Name": "threeRep",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmup",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 70,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 80,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 90,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 10,
"Percentage": 50,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 5,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Name": "oneRep",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmup",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 75,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 85,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 1,
"Percentage": 95,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 10,
"Percentage": 50,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 5,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Name": "deload",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 40,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 2,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 50,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 2,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 60,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 2,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"TrainingDays": [
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Press",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "fiveRep",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "5 sets of 10 chin-ups"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Deadlift",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "fiveRep",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "5 sets of 15 hanging leg raises"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Bench",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "fiveRep",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "5 sets of 10 dumbbell rows"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "fiveRep",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "5 sets of 10 leg curls"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Press",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "threeRep",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "5 sets of 10 chin-ups"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Deadlift",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "threeRep",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "5 sets of 15 hanging leg raises"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Bench",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "threeRep",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "5 sets of 10 dumbbell rows"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "threeRep",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "5 sets of 10 leg curls"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Press",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "oneRep",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "5 sets of 10 chin-ups"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Deadlift",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "oneRep",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "5 sets of 15 hanging leg raises"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Bench",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "oneRep",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "5 sets of 10 dumbbell rows"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "oneRep",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "5 sets of 10 leg curls"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Press",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "deload",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": true,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "5 sets of 10 chin-ups"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Deadlift",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "deload",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": true,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "5 sets of 15 hanging leg raises"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Bench",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "deload",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": true,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "5 sets of 10 dumbbell rows"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "deload",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": true,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "5 sets of 10 leg curls"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
line 8: (preamble - 'Lifts:')
line 9: (identifier - 'Squat')
line 9: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 9: (integer - '180')
line 9: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 9: (float - '2.5')
line 9: (% - '%')
line 9: (, - ',')
line 10: (identifier - 'HighPull')
line 10: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 10: (integer - '120')
line 10: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 10: (float - '2.5')
line 10: (% - '%')
line 10: (, - ',')
line 11: (identifier - 'Bench')
line 11: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 11: (integer - '100')
line 11: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 11: (float - '2.5')
line 11: (% - '%')
line 11: (, - ',')
line 12: (identifier - 'Press')
line 12: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 12: (integer - '75')
line 12: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 12: (float - '2.5')
line 12: (% - '%')
line 12: (, - ',')
line 13: (identifier - 'Clean')
line 13: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 13: (integer - '80')
line 13: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 13: (float - '2.5')
line 13: (% - '%')
line 15: (preamble - 'SetTemplates:')
line 16: (- - '-')
line 16: (preamble - 'Warmup:')
line 17: (integer - '5')
line 17: (reps - 'reps')
line 17: (@ - '@')
line 17: (integer - '40')
line 17: (% - '%')
line 17: (, - ',')
line 18: (integer - '5')
line 18: (reps - 'reps')
line 18: (@ - '@')
line 18: (integer - '55')
line 18: (% - '%')
line 18: (, - ',')
line 19: (integer - '5')
line 19: (reps - 'reps')
line 19: (@ - '@')
line 19: (integer - '70')
line 19: (% - '%')
line 21: (- - '-')
line 21: (preamble - 'MondaySets:')
line 22: (identifier - 'Warmup')
line 22: (, - ',')
line 23: (integer - '5')
line 23: (reps - 'reps')
line 23: (@ - '@')
line 23: (integer - '85')
line 23: (% - '%')
line 23: (, - ',')
line 24: (integer - '5')
line 24: (reps - 'reps')
line 24: (@ - '@')
line 24: (integer - '100')
line 24: (% - '%')
line 26: (- - '-')
line 26: (preamble - 'WednesdaySquat:')
line 27: (identifier - 'Warmup')
line 27: (, - ',')
line 28: (integer - '5')
line 28: (reps - 'reps')
line 28: (@ - '@')
line 28: (integer - '70')
line 28: (% - '%')
line 30: (- - '-')
line 30: (preamble - 'WednesdayOther:')
line 31: (integer - '5')
line 31: (reps - 'reps')
line 31: (@ - '@')
line 31: (integer - '55')
line 31: (% - '%')
line 31: (, - ',')
line 32: (integer - '5')
line 32: (reps - 'reps')
line 32: (@ - '@')
line 32: (integer - '70')
line 32: (% - '%')
line 32: (, - ',')
line 33: (integer - '5')
line 33: (reps - 'reps')
line 33: (@ - '@')
line 33: (integer - '85')
line 33: (% - '%')
line 33: (, - ',')
line 34: (integer - '5')
line 34: (reps - 'reps')
line 34: (@ - '@')
line 34: (integer - '100')
line 34: (% - '%')
line 36: (- - '-')
line 36: (preamble - 'FridaySets:')
line 37: (identifier - 'Warmup')
line 37: (, - ',')
line 38: (integer - '5')
line 38: (reps - 'reps')
line 38: (@ - '@')
line 38: (integer - '85')
line 38: (% - '%')
line 38: (, - ',')
line 39: (integer - '3')
line 39: (reps - 'reps')
line 39: (@ - '@')
line 39: (float - '102.5')
line 39: (% - '%')
line 39: (, - ',')
line 40: (integer - '8')
line 40: (reps - 'reps')
line 40: (@ - '@')
line 40: (integer - '70')
line 40: (% - '%')
line 43: (preamble - 'TrainingDays:')
line 44: (- - '-')
line 44: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 44: (identifier - 'MondaySets')
line 45: (preamble - 'Bench:')
line 45: (identifier - 'MondaySets')
line 46: (preamble - 'Clean:')
line 46: (identifier - 'MondaySets')
line 47: (string - '"2 sets of weighted hypers"')
line 48: (string - '"4 sets of weighted sit-ups"')
line 50: (- - '-')
line 50: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 50: (identifier - 'WednesdaySquat')
line 51: (preamble - 'Press:')
line 51: (identifier - 'WednesdayOther')
line 51: (increase - 'increase')
line 52: (preamble - 'HighPull:')
line 52: (identifier - 'WednesdayOther')
line 52: (increase - 'increase')
line 53: (string - '"3 sets of sit-ups"')
line 55: (- - '-')
line 55: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 55: (identifier - 'FridaySets')
line 55: (increase - 'increase')
line 56: (preamble - 'Bench:')
line 56: (identifier - 'FridaySets')
line 56: (increase - 'increase')
line 57: (preamble - 'Clean:')
line 57: (identifier - 'FridaySets')
line 57: (increase - 'increase')
line 58: (string - '"3 sets of weighted dips (5-8 reps)"')
line 59: (string - '"3 sets of barbell curls"')
line 60: (string - '"3 sets of triceps extensons (8 reps)"')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
"Lifts": [
"Name": "Squat",
"Max": 180,
"Increment": 2.5,
"IncrementPercent": true,
"Bar": 0
"Name": "HighPull",
"Max": 120,
"Increment": 2.5,
"IncrementPercent": true,
"Bar": 0
"Name": "Bench",
"Max": 100,
"Increment": 2.5,
"IncrementPercent": true,
"Bar": 0
"Name": "Press",
"Max": 75,
"Increment": 2.5,
"IncrementPercent": true,
"Bar": 0
"Name": "Clean",
"Max": 80,
"Increment": 2.5,
"IncrementPercent": true,
"Bar": 0
"Plates": null,
"SetTemplates": [
"Name": "Warmup",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 40,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 55,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 70,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Name": "MondaySets",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "Warmup",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 85,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 100,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Name": "WednesdaySquat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "Warmup",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 70,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Name": "WednesdayOther",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 55,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 70,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 85,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 100,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Name": "FridaySets",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "Warmup",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 85,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 102.5,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 8,
"Percentage": 70,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"TrainingDays": [
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "MondaySets",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Bench",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "MondaySets",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Clean",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "MondaySets",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "2 sets of weighted hypers"
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "4 sets of weighted sit-ups"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "WednesdaySquat",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Press",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "WednesdayOther",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": true,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "HighPull",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "WednesdayOther",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": true,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "3 sets of sit-ups"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "FridaySets",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": true,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Bench",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "FridaySets",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": true,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Clean",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "FridaySets",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": true,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "3 sets of weighted dips (5-8 reps)"
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "3 sets of barbell curls"
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "3 sets of triceps extensons (8 reps)"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
line 1: (preamble - 'Lifts:')
line 2: (identifier - 'Squat')
line 2: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 2: (integer - '200')
line 2: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 2: (integer - '0')
line 4: (preamble - 'TrainingDays:')
line 8: (- - '-')
line 8: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 8: (integer - '8')
line 8: (reps - 'reps')
line 8: (@ - '@')
line 8: (integer - '65')
line 8: (% - '%')
line 8: (x - 'x')
line 8: (integer - '3')
line 8: (, - ',')
line 8: (integer - '5')
line 8: (reps - 'reps')
line 8: (@ - '@')
line 8: (integer - '70')
line 8: (% - '%')
line 8: (, - ',')
line 8: (integer - '2')
line 8: (reps - 'reps')
line 8: (@ - '@')
line 8: (integer - '75')
line 8: (% - '%')
line 8: (x - 'x')
line 8: (integer - '2')
line 8: (, - ',')
line 8: (integer - '1')
line 8: (reps - 'reps')
line 8: (@ - '@')
line 8: (integer - '80')
line 8: (% - '%')
line 10: (- - '-')
line 10: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 10: (integer - '8')
line 10: (reps - 'reps')
line 10: (@ - '@')
line 10: (integer - '65')
line 10: (% - '%')
line 10: (x - 'x')
line 10: (integer - '3')
line 10: (, - ',')
line 10: (integer - '5')
line 10: (reps - 'reps')
line 10: (@ - '@')
line 10: (integer - '70')
line 10: (% - '%')
line 10: (, - ',')
line 10: (integer - '2')
line 10: (reps - 'reps')
line 10: (@ - '@')
line 10: (integer - '75')
line 10: (% - '%')
line 10: (x - 'x')
line 10: (integer - '2')
line 10: (, - ',')
line 10: (integer - '1')
line 10: (reps - 'reps')
line 10: (@ - '@')
line 10: (integer - '80')
line 10: (% - '%')
line 12: (- - '-')
line 12: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 12: (integer - '5')
line 12: (reps - 'reps')
line 12: (@ - '@')
line 12: (integer - '70')
line 12: (% - '%')
line 12: (x - 'x')
line 12: (integer - '4')
line 12: (, - ',')
line 12: (integer - '3')
line 12: (reps - 'reps')
line 12: (@ - '@')
line 12: (integer - '75')
line 12: (% - '%')
line 12: (, - ',')
line 12: (integer - '2')
line 12: (reps - 'reps')
line 12: (@ - '@')
line 12: (integer - '80')
line 12: (% - '%')
line 12: (x - 'x')
line 12: (integer - '2')
line 12: (, - ',')
line 12: (integer - '1')
line 12: (reps - 'reps')
line 12: (@ - '@')
line 12: (integer - '90')
line 12: (% - '%')
line 17: (- - '-')
line 17: (string - '"Lunges"')
line 18: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 18: (integer - '5')
line 18: (reps - 'reps')
line 18: (@ - '@')
line 18: (integer - '80')
line 18: (% - '%')
line 20: (- - '-')
line 20: (string - '"Lunges"')
line 21: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 21: (integer - '5')
line 21: (reps - 'reps')
line 21: (@ - '@')
line 21: (float - '82.5')
line 21: (% - '%')
line 23: (- - '-')
line 23: (string - '"Lunges"')
line 24: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 24: (integer - '5')
line 24: (reps - 'reps')
line 24: (@ - '@')
line 24: (integer - '85')
line 24: (% - '%')
line 29: (- - '-')
line 29: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 29: (integer - '9')
line 29: (reps - 'reps')
line 29: (@ - '@')
line 29: (integer - '70')
line 29: (% - '%')
line 29: (x - 'x')
line 29: (integer - '4')
line 31: (- - '-')
line 31: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 31: (integer - '7')
line 31: (reps - 'reps')
line 31: (@ - '@')
line 31: (integer - '75')
line 31: (% - '%')
line 31: (x - 'x')
line 31: (integer - '5')
line 33: (- - '-')
line 33: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 33: (integer - '5')
line 33: (reps - 'reps')
line 33: (@ - '@')
line 33: (integer - '80')
line 33: (% - '%')
line 33: (x - 'x')
line 33: (integer - '7')
line 35: (- - '-')
line 35: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 35: (integer - '3')
line 35: (reps - 'reps')
line 35: (@ - '@')
line 35: (integer - '85')
line 35: (% - '%')
line 35: (x - 'x')
line 35: (integer - '10')
line 40: (- - '-')
line 40: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 40: (integer - '9')
line 40: (reps - 'reps')
line 40: (@ - '@')
line 40: (integer - '70')
line 40: (% - '%')
line 40: (+ - '+')
line 40: (integer - '9')
line 40: (x - 'x')
line 40: (integer - '4')
line 42: (- - '-')
line 42: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 42: (integer - '7')
line 42: (reps - 'reps')
line 42: (@ - '@')
line 42: (integer - '75')
line 42: (% - '%')
line 42: (+ - '+')
line 42: (integer - '9')
line 42: (x - 'x')
line 42: (integer - '5')
line 44: (- - '-')
line 44: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 44: (integer - '5')
line 44: (reps - 'reps')
line 44: (@ - '@')
line 44: (integer - '80')
line 44: (% - '%')
line 44: (+ - '+')
line 44: (integer - '9')
line 44: (x - 'x')
line 44: (integer - '7')
line 46: (- - '-')
line 46: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 46: (integer - '3')
line 46: (reps - 'reps')
line 46: (@ - '@')
line 46: (integer - '85')
line 46: (% - '%')
line 46: (+ - '+')
line 46: (integer - '9')
line 46: (x - 'x')
line 46: (integer - '10')
line 51: (- - '-')
line 51: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 51: (integer - '9')
line 51: (reps - 'reps')
line 51: (@ - '@')
line 51: (integer - '70')
line 51: (% - '%')
line 51: (+ - '+')
line 51: (float - '13.5')
line 51: (x - 'x')
line 51: (integer - '4')
line 53: (- - '-')
line 53: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 53: (integer - '7')
line 53: (reps - 'reps')
line 53: (@ - '@')
line 53: (integer - '75')
line 53: (% - '%')
line 53: (+ - '+')
line 53: (float - '13.5')
line 53: (x - 'x')
line 53: (integer - '5')
line 55: (- - '-')
line 55: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 55: (integer - '5')
line 55: (reps - 'reps')
line 55: (@ - '@')
line 55: (integer - '80')
line 55: (% - '%')
line 55: (+ - '+')
line 55: (float - '13.5')
line 55: (x - 'x')
line 55: (integer - '7')
line 57: (- - '-')
line 57: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 57: (integer - '3')
line 57: (reps - 'reps')
line 57: (@ - '@')
line 57: (integer - '85')
line 57: (% - '%')
line 57: (+ - '+')
line 57: (float - '13.5')
line 57: (x - 'x')
line 57: (integer - '10')
line 62: (- - '-')
line 62: (string - '"Rest"')
line 64: (- - '-')
line 64: (string - '"Rest"')
line 66: (- - '-')
line 66: (string - '"Build to 1RM"')
line 68: (- - '-')
line 68: (string - '"Build to 1RM"')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
"Lifts": [
"Name": "Squat",
"Max": 200,
"Increment": 0,
"IncrementPercent": false,
"Bar": 0
"Plates": null,
"SetTemplates": null,
"TrainingDays": [
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 8,
"Percentage": 65,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 3,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 70,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 2,
"Percentage": 75,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 2,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 1,
"Percentage": 80,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 8,
"Percentage": 65,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 3,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 70,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 2,
"Percentage": 75,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 2,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 1,
"Percentage": 80,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 70,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 4,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 75,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 2,
"Percentage": 80,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 2,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 1,
"Percentage": 90,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "Lunges"
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 80,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "Lunges"
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 82.5,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "Lunges"
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 85,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 9,
"Percentage": 70,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 4,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 7,
"Percentage": 75,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 5,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 80,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 7,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 85,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 10,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 9,
"Percentage": 70,
"PlusWeight": 9,
"Amount": 4,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 7,
"Percentage": 75,
"PlusWeight": 9,
"Amount": 5,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 80,
"PlusWeight": 9,
"Amount": 7,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 85,
"PlusWeight": 9,
"Amount": 10,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 9,
"Percentage": 70,
"PlusWeight": 13.5,
"Amount": 4,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 7,
"Percentage": 75,
"PlusWeight": 13.5,
"Amount": 5,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 80,
"PlusWeight": 13.5,
"Amount": 7,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 85,
"PlusWeight": 13.5,
"Amount": 10,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "Rest"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "Rest"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "Build to 1RM"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "Build to 1RM"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
line 3: (preamble - 'Lifts:')
line 4: (identifier - 'Squat')
line 4: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 4: (integer - '230')
line 4: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 4: (integer - '0')
line 6: (preamble - 'TrainingDays:')
line 10: (- - '-')
line 10: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 10: (integer - '1')
line 10: (reps - 'reps')
line 10: (@ - '@')
line 10: (integer - '50')
line 10: (% - '%')
line 10: (notice - '(several with dynamic effort)')
line 12: (- - '-')
line 12: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 12: (integer - '1')
line 12: (reps - 'reps')
line 12: (@ - '@')
line 12: (integer - '50')
line 12: (% - '%')
line 12: (notice - '(several with dynamic effort)')
line 14: (- - '-')
line 14: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 14: (integer - '1')
line 14: (reps - 'reps')
line 14: (@ - '@')
line 14: (integer - '50')
line 14: (% - '%')
line 14: (notice - '(several with dynamic effort)')
line 19: (- - '-')
line 19: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 19: (integer - '1')
line 19: (reps - 'reps')
line 19: (@ - '@')
line 19: (integer - '50')
line 19: (% - '%')
line 19: (notice - '(several with dynamic effort)')
line 21: (- - '-')
line 21: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 21: (integer - '1')
line 21: (reps - 'reps')
line 21: (@ - '@')
line 21: (integer - '50')
line 21: (% - '%')
line 21: (notice - '(several with dynamic effort)')
line 23: (- - '-')
line 23: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 23: (integer - '1')
line 23: (reps - 'reps')
line 23: (@ - '@')
line 23: (integer - '50')
line 23: (% - '%')
line 23: (notice - '(several with dynamic effort)')
line 28: (- - '-')
line 28: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 28: (integer - '3')
line 28: (reps - 'reps')
line 28: (@ - '@')
line 28: (integer - '65')
line 28: (% - '%')
line 28: (, - ',')
line 28: (integer - '4')
line 28: (reps - 'reps')
line 28: (@ - '@')
line 28: (integer - '75')
line 28: (% - '%')
line 28: (, - ',')
line 28: (integer - '4')
line 28: (reps - 'reps')
line 28: (@ - '@')
line 28: (integer - '85')
line 28: (% - '%')
line 28: (x - 'x')
line 28: (integer - '3')
line 28: (, - ',')
line 28: (integer - '5')
line 28: (reps - 'reps')
line 28: (@ - '@')
line 28: (integer - '85')
line 28: (% - '%')
line 30: (- - '-')
line 30: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 30: (integer - '3')
line 30: (reps - 'reps')
line 30: (@ - '@')
line 30: (integer - '60')
line 30: (% - '%')
line 30: (, - ',')
line 30: (integer - '3')
line 30: (reps - 'reps')
line 30: (@ - '@')
line 30: (integer - '70')
line 30: (% - '%')
line 30: (, - ',')
line 30: (integer - '4')
line 30: (reps - 'reps')
line 30: (@ - '@')
line 30: (integer - '80')
line 30: (% - '%')
line 30: (, - ',')
line 30: (integer - '3')
line 30: (reps - 'reps')
line 30: (@ - '@')
line 30: (integer - '90')
line 30: (% - '%')
line 30: (, - ',')
line 30: (integer - '5')
line 30: (reps - 'reps')
line 30: (@ - '@')
line 30: (integer - '85')
line 30: (% - '%')
line 30: (x - 'x')
line 30: (integer - '2')
line 32: (- - '-')
line 32: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 32: (integer - '4')
line 32: (reps - 'reps')
line 32: (@ - '@')
line 32: (integer - '65')
line 32: (% - '%')
line 32: (, - ',')
line 32: (integer - '4')
line 32: (reps - 'reps')
line 32: (@ - '@')
line 32: (integer - '70')
line 32: (% - '%')
line 32: (, - ',')
line 32: (integer - '4')
line 32: (reps - 'reps')
line 32: (@ - '@')
line 32: (integer - '80')
line 32: (% - '%')
line 32: (x - 'x')
line 32: (integer - '5')
line 37: (- - '-')
line 37: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 37: (integer - '4')
line 37: (reps - 'reps')
line 37: (@ - '@')
line 37: (integer - '60')
line 37: (% - '%')
line 37: (, - ',')
line 37: (integer - '4')
line 37: (reps - 'reps')
line 37: (@ - '@')
line 37: (integer - '70')
line 37: (% - '%')
line 37: (, - ',')
line 37: (integer - '4')
line 37: (reps - 'reps')
line 37: (@ - '@')
line 37: (integer - '80')
line 37: (% - '%')
line 37: (, - ',')
line 37: (integer - '3')
line 37: (reps - 'reps')
line 37: (@ - '@')
line 37: (integer - '90')
line 37: (% - '%')
line 37: (, - ',')
line 37: (integer - '4')
line 37: (reps - 'reps')
line 37: (@ - '@')
line 37: (integer - '90')
line 37: (% - '%')
line 37: (x - 'x')
line 37: (integer - '2')
line 39: (- - '-')
line 39: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 39: (integer - '3')
line 39: (reps - 'reps')
line 39: (@ - '@')
line 39: (integer - '65')
line 39: (% - '%')
line 39: (, - ',')
line 39: (integer - '3')
line 39: (reps - 'reps')
line 39: (@ - '@')
line 39: (integer - '75')
line 39: (% - '%')
line 39: (, - ',')
line 39: (integer - '3')
line 39: (reps - 'reps')
line 39: (@ - '@')
line 39: (integer - '85')
line 39: (% - '%')
line 39: (, - ',')
line 39: (integer - '3')
line 39: (reps - 'reps')
line 39: (@ - '@')
line 39: (integer - '90')
line 39: (% - '%')
line 39: (x - 'x')
line 39: (integer - '3')
line 39: (, - ',')
line 39: (integer - '3')
line 39: (reps - 'reps')
line 39: (@ - '@')
line 39: (integer - '95')
line 39: (% - '%')
line 41: (- - '-')
line 41: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 41: (integer - '3')
line 41: (reps - 'reps')
line 41: (@ - '@')
line 41: (integer - '65')
line 41: (% - '%')
line 41: (, - ',')
line 41: (integer - '3')
line 41: (reps - 'reps')
line 41: (@ - '@')
line 41: (integer - '75')
line 41: (% - '%')
line 41: (, - ',')
line 41: (integer - '4')
line 41: (reps - 'reps')
line 41: (@ - '@')
line 41: (integer - '85')
line 41: (% - '%')
line 41: (, - ',')
line 41: (integer - '5')
line 41: (reps - 'reps')
line 41: (@ - '@')
line 41: (integer - '90')
line 41: (% - '%')
line 46: (- - '-')
line 46: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 46: (integer - '3')
line 46: (reps - 'reps')
line 46: (@ - '@')
line 46: (integer - '60')
line 46: (% - '%')
line 46: (, - ',')
line 46: (integer - '3')
line 46: (reps - 'reps')
line 46: (@ - '@')
line 46: (integer - '70')
line 46: (% - '%')
line 46: (, - ',')
line 46: (integer - '3')
line 46: (reps - 'reps')
line 46: (@ - '@')
line 46: (integer - '80')
line 46: (% - '%')
line 46: (, - ',')
line 46: (integer - '5')
line 46: (reps - 'reps')
line 46: (@ - '@')
line 46: (integer - '90')
line 46: (% - '%')
line 46: (x - 'x')
line 46: (integer - '5')
line 48: (- - '-')
line 48: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 48: (integer - '3')
line 48: (reps - 'reps')
line 48: (@ - '@')
line 48: (integer - '60')
line 48: (% - '%')
line 48: (, - ',')
line 48: (integer - '3')
line 48: (reps - 'reps')
line 48: (@ - '@')
line 48: (integer - '70')
line 48: (% - '%')
line 48: (, - ',')
line 48: (integer - '3')
line 48: (reps - 'reps')
line 48: (@ - '@')
line 48: (integer - '80')
line 48: (% - '%')
line 48: (, - ',')
line 48: (integer - '3')
line 48: (reps - 'reps')
line 48: (@ - '@')
line 48: (integer - '95')
line 48: (% - '%')
line 48: (x - 'x')
line 48: (integer - '2')
line 50: (- - '-')
line 50: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 50: (integer - '3')
line 50: (reps - 'reps')
line 50: (@ - '@')
line 50: (integer - '65')
line 50: (% - '%')
line 50: (, - ',')
line 50: (integer - '3')
line 50: (reps - 'reps')
line 50: (@ - '@')
line 50: (integer - '75')
line 50: (% - '%')
line 50: (, - ',')
line 50: (integer - '3')
line 50: (reps - 'reps')
line 50: (@ - '@')
line 50: (integer - '85')
line 50: (% - '%')
line 50: (, - ',')
line 50: (integer - '3')
line 50: (reps - 'reps')
line 50: (@ - '@')
line 50: (integer - '95')
line 50: (% - '%')
line 50: (x - 'x')
line 50: (integer - '4')
line 55: (- - '-')
line 55: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 55: (integer - '3')
line 55: (reps - 'reps')
line 55: (@ - '@')
line 55: (integer - '70')
line 55: (% - '%')
line 55: (, - ',')
line 55: (integer - '4')
line 55: (reps - 'reps')
line 55: (@ - '@')
line 55: (integer - '80')
line 55: (% - '%')
line 55: (, - ',')
line 55: (integer - '5')
line 55: (reps - 'reps')
line 55: (@ - '@')
line 55: (integer - '90')
line 55: (% - '%')
line 55: (x - 'x')
line 55: (integer - '5')
line 57: (- - '-')
line 57: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 57: (integer - '3')
line 57: (reps - 'reps')
line 57: (@ - '@')
line 57: (integer - '70')
line 57: (% - '%')
line 57: (, - ',')
line 57: (integer - '3')
line 57: (reps - 'reps')
line 57: (@ - '@')
line 57: (integer - '80')
line 57: (% - '%')
line 57: (, - ',')
line 57: (integer - '3')
line 57: (reps - 'reps')
line 57: (@ - '@')
line 57: (integer - '95')
line 57: (% - '%')
line 57: (x - 'x')
line 57: (integer - '4')
line 59: (- - '-')
line 59: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 59: (integer - '3')
line 59: (reps - 'reps')
line 59: (@ - '@')
line 59: (integer - '75')
line 59: (% - '%')
line 59: (, - ',')
line 59: (integer - '4')
line 59: (reps - 'reps')
line 59: (@ - '@')
line 59: (integer - '90')
line 59: (% - '%')
line 59: (, - ',')
line 59: (integer - '4')
line 59: (reps - 'reps')
line 59: (@ - '@')
line 59: (integer - '80')
line 59: (% - '%')
line 59: (x - 'x')
line 59: (integer - '3')
line 64: (- - '-')
line 64: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 64: (integer - '3')
line 64: (reps - 'reps')
line 64: (@ - '@')
line 64: (integer - '70')
line 64: (% - '%')
line 64: (, - ',')
line 64: (integer - '3')
line 64: (reps - 'reps')
line 64: (@ - '@')
line 64: (integer - '80')
line 64: (% - '%')
line 64: (, - ',')
line 64: (integer - '5')
line 64: (reps - 'reps')
line 64: (@ - '@')
line 64: (integer - '90')
line 64: (% - '%')
line 64: (x - 'x')
line 64: (integer - '2')
line 64: (, - ',')
line 64: (integer - '4')
line 64: (reps - 'reps')
line 64: (@ - '@')
line 64: (integer - '95')
line 64: (% - '%')
line 66: (- - '-')
line 66: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 66: (integer - '4')
line 66: (reps - 'reps')
line 66: (@ - '@')
line 66: (integer - '75')
line 66: (% - '%')
line 66: (, - ',')
line 66: (integer - '4')
line 66: (reps - 'reps')
line 66: (@ - '@')
line 66: (integer - '85')
line 66: (% - '%')
line 66: (x - 'x')
line 66: (integer - '4')
line 68: (- - '-')
line 68: (string - '"Build to 1RM"')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,978 @@
"Lifts": [
"Name": "Squat",
"Max": 230,
"Increment": 0,
"IncrementPercent": false,
"Bar": 0
"Plates": null,
"SetTemplates": null,
"TrainingDays": [
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 1,
"Percentage": 50,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": "(several with dynamic effort)"
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 1,
"Percentage": 50,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": "(several with dynamic effort)"
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 1,
"Percentage": 50,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": "(several with dynamic effort)"
"ReferenceName": "",
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"Raw": ""
"Items": [
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"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 1,
"Percentage": 50,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": "(several with dynamic effort)"
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
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"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 1,
"Percentage": 50,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": "(several with dynamic effort)"
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 1,
"Percentage": 50,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": "(several with dynamic effort)"
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 65,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 4,
"Percentage": 75,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 4,
"Percentage": 85,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 3,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 85,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 60,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 70,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 4,
"Percentage": 80,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 90,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 85,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 2,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 4,
"Percentage": 65,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 4,
"Percentage": 70,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
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"Percentage": 80,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 5,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 4,
"Percentage": 60,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 4,
"Percentage": 70,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 4,
"Percentage": 80,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 90,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 4,
"Percentage": 90,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 2,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 65,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 75,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 85,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 90,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 3,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 95,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 65,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 75,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 4,
"Percentage": 85,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 90,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 60,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 70,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 80,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 90,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 5,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 60,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 70,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 80,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 95,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 2,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 65,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 75,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 85,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 95,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 4,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 70,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 4,
"Percentage": 80,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 90,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 5,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 70,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 80,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 95,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 4,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 75,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 4,
"Percentage": 90,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 4,
"Percentage": 80,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 3,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 70,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 80,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 90,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 2,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 4,
"Percentage": 95,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 4,
"Percentage": 75,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 4,
"Percentage": 85,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 4,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "Build to 1RM"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
line 3: (preamble - 'Lifts:')
line 4: (identifier - 'Squat')
line 4: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 4: (float - '60.5')
line 4: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 4: (integer - '5')
line 4: (, - ',')
line 5: (identifier - 'Deadlift')
line 5: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 5: (float - '66.0')
line 5: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 5: (integer - '5')
line 5: (, - ',')
line 6: (identifier - 'Bench')
line 6: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 6: (integer - '42')
line 6: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 6: (float - '2.5')
line 6: (, - ',')
line 7: (identifier - 'Press')
line 7: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 7: (integer - '20')
line 7: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 7: (float - '2.5')
line 7: (, - ',')
line 8: (identifier - 'PowerClean')
line 8: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 8: (integer - '20')
line 8: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 8: (float - '2.5')
line 11: (preamble - 'SetTemplates:')
line 12: (- - '-')
line 12: (preamble - 'empty:')
line 13: (integer - '5')
line 13: (reps - 'reps')
line 13: (@ - '@')
line 13: (integer - '0')
line 13: (% - '%')
line 14: (- - '-')
line 14: (preamble - 'warmups:')
line 15: (integer - '5')
line 15: (reps - 'reps')
line 15: (@ - '@')
line 15: (integer - '25')
line 15: (% - '%')
line 15: (, - ',')
line 16: (integer - '3')
line 16: (reps - 'reps')
line 16: (@ - '@')
line 16: (integer - '50')
line 16: (% - '%')
line 16: (, - ',')
line 17: (integer - '2')
line 17: (reps - 'reps')
line 17: (@ - '@')
line 17: (integer - '75')
line 17: (% - '%')
line 18: (- - '-')
line 18: (preamble - 'workset:')
line 19: (integer - '5')
line 19: (reps - 'reps')
line 19: (@ - '@')
line 19: (integer - '100')
line 19: (% - '%')
line 20: (- - '-')
line 20: (preamble - 'worksetsClean:')
line 21: (integer - '3')
line 21: (reps - 'reps')
line 21: (@ - '@')
line 21: (integer - '100')
line 21: (% - '%')
line 21: (x - 'x')
line 21: (integer - '5')
line 23: (- - '-')
line 23: (preamble - 'regularSets:')
line 24: (identifier - 'empty')
line 24: (, - ',')
line 24: (identifier - 'empty')
line 24: (, - ',')
line 24: (identifier - 'warmups')
line 24: (, - ',')
line 24: (identifier - 'workset')
line 24: (x - 'x')
line 24: (integer - '3')
line 26: (- - '-')
line 26: (preamble - 'deadliftSets:')
line 27: (identifier - 'empty')
line 27: (, - ',')
line 27: (identifier - 'empty')
line 27: (, - ',')
line 27: (identifier - 'warmups')
line 27: (, - ',')
line 27: (identifier - 'workset')
line 29: (- - '-')
line 29: (preamble - 'cleanSets:')
line 30: (identifier - 'empty')
line 30: (, - ',')
line 30: (identifier - 'empty')
line 30: (, - ',')
line 30: (identifier - 'warmups')
line 30: (, - ',')
line 30: (identifier - 'worksetsClean')
line 33: (preamble - 'TrainingDays:')
line 34: (- - '-')
line 34: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 34: (identifier - 'regularSets')
line 35: (preamble - 'Press:')
line 35: (identifier - 'regularSets')
line 35: (increase - 'increase')
line 36: (preamble - 'Deadlift:')
line 36: (identifier - 'deadliftSets')
line 36: (increase - 'increase')
line 38: (- - '-')
line 38: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 38: (identifier - 'regularSets')
line 38: (increase - 'increase')
line 39: (preamble - 'Bench:')
line 39: (identifier - 'regularSets')
line 39: (increase - 'increase')
line 40: (preamble - 'PowerClean:')
line 40: (identifier - 'cleanSets')
line 40: (increase - 'increase')
line 41: (string - '"3 sets of 5 weighted chin-ups"')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
"Lifts": [
"Name": "Squat",
"Max": 60.5,
"Increment": 5,
"IncrementPercent": false,
"Bar": 0
"Name": "Deadlift",
"Max": 66,
"Increment": 5,
"IncrementPercent": false,
"Bar": 0
"Name": "Bench",
"Max": 42,
"Increment": 2.5,
"IncrementPercent": false,
"Bar": 0
"Name": "Press",
"Max": 20,
"Increment": 2.5,
"IncrementPercent": false,
"Bar": 0
"Name": "PowerClean",
"Max": 20,
"Increment": 2.5,
"IncrementPercent": false,
"Bar": 0
"Plates": null,
"SetTemplates": [
"Name": "empty",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Name": "warmups",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 25,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 50,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 2,
"Percentage": 75,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Name": "workset",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 100,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Name": "worksetsClean",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 100,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 5,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Name": "regularSets",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmups",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "workset",
"Amount": 3
"Name": "deadliftSets",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmups",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "workset",
"Amount": 0
"Name": "cleanSets",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmups",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "worksetsClean",
"Amount": 0
"TrainingDays": [
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "regularSets",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Press",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "regularSets",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": true,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Deadlift",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "deadliftSets",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": true,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "regularSets",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": true,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Bench",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "regularSets",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": true,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "PowerClean",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "cleanSets",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": true,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "3 sets of 5 weighted chin-ups"

test/Texas_Method.tdl.lexer Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
line 3: (preamble - 'Lifts:')
line 4: (identifier - 'Squat')
line 4: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 4: (integer - '180')
line 4: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 4: (float - '2.5')
line 4: (, - ',')
line 5: (identifier - 'Deadlift')
line 5: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 5: (integer - '210')
line 5: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 5: (float - '2.5')
line 5: (, - ',')
line 6: (identifier - 'Bench')
line 6: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 6: (integer - '120')
line 6: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 6: (float - '1.25')
line 6: (, - ',')
line 7: (identifier - 'Press')
line 7: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 7: (integer - '80')
line 7: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 7: (float - '1.25')
line 7: (, - ',')
line 8: (identifier - 'PowerClean')
line 8: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 8: (integer - '80')
line 8: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 8: (float - '1.25')
line 10: (preamble - 'SetTemplates:')
line 11: (- - '-')
line 11: (preamble - 'empty:')
line 12: (integer - '5')
line 12: (reps - 'reps')
line 12: (@ - '@')
line 12: (integer - '0')
line 12: (% - '%')
line 13: (- - '-')
line 13: (preamble - 'warmups:')
line 14: (integer - '3')
line 14: (reps - 'reps')
line 14: (@ - '@')
line 14: (integer - '25')
line 14: (% - '%')
line 14: (, - ',')
line 15: (integer - '2')
line 15: (reps - 'reps')
line 15: (@ - '@')
line 15: (integer - '50')
line 15: (% - '%')
line 15: (, - ',')
line 16: (integer - '2')
line 16: (reps - 'reps')
line 16: (@ - '@')
line 16: (integer - '75')
line 16: (% - '%')
line 17: (- - '-')
line 17: (preamble - 'worksetMonday:')
line 18: (integer - '5')
line 18: (reps - 'reps')
line 18: (@ - '@')
line 18: (integer - '90')
line 18: (% - '%')
line 19: (- - '-')
line 19: (preamble - 'worksetFriday:')
line 20: (integer - '5')
line 20: (reps - 'reps')
line 20: (@ - '@')
line 20: (integer - '100')
line 20: (% - '%')
line 22: (preamble - 'TrainingDays:')
line 24: (- - '-')
line 24: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 24: (identifier - 'empty')
line 24: (, - ',')
line 24: (identifier - 'empty')
line 24: (, - ',')
line 24: (identifier - 'warmups')
line 24: (, - ',')
line 24: (identifier - 'worksetMonday')
line 24: (x - 'x')
line 24: (integer - '5')
line 25: (preamble - 'Bench:')
line 25: (identifier - 'empty')
line 25: (, - ',')
line 25: (identifier - 'warmups')
line 25: (, - ',')
line 25: (identifier - 'worksetMonday')
line 25: (x - 'x')
line 25: (integer - '5')
line 26: (preamble - 'Deadlift:')
line 26: (identifier - 'empty')
line 26: (, - ',')
line 26: (identifier - 'warmups')
line 26: (, - ',')
line 26: (identifier - 'worksetMonday')
line 28: (- - '-')
line 28: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 28: (identifier - 'empty')
line 28: (, - ',')
line 28: (identifier - 'empty')
line 28: (, - ',')
line 28: (identifier - 'warmups')
line 28: (, - ',')
line 28: (integer - '5')
line 28: (reps - 'reps')
line 28: (@ - '@')
line 28: (integer - '72')
line 28: (% - '%')
line 28: (x - 'x')
line 28: (integer - '2')
line 28: (increase - 'increase')
line 29: (preamble - 'Press:')
line 29: (identifier - 'empty')
line 29: (, - ',')
line 29: (identifier - 'warmups')
line 29: (, - ',')
line 29: (integer - '5')
line 29: (reps - 'reps')
line 29: (@ - '@')
line 29: (integer - '81')
line 29: (% - '%')
line 29: (x - 'x')
line 29: (integer - '3')
line 29: (increase - 'increase')
line 30: (string - '"3 sets of bodyweight Chin-ups"')
line 31: (string - '"5 sets of 10 Back Extensions or Glute-Ham Raises"')
line 33: (- - '-')
line 33: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 33: (identifier - 'empty')
line 33: (, - ',')
line 33: (identifier - 'empty')
line 33: (, - ',')
line 33: (identifier - 'warmups')
line 33: (, - ',')
line 33: (integer - '5')
line 33: (reps - 'reps')
line 33: (@ - '@')
line 33: (integer - '100')
line 33: (% - '%')
line 34: (preamble - 'Bench:')
line 34: (identifier - 'empty')
line 34: (, - ',')
line 34: (identifier - 'warmups')
line 34: (, - ',')
line 34: (integer - '5')
line 34: (reps - 'reps')
line 34: (@ - '@')
line 34: (integer - '100')
line 34: (% - '%')
line 35: (preamble - 'PowerClean:')
line 35: (identifier - 'empty')
line 35: (, - ',')
line 35: (identifier - 'warmups')
line 35: (, - ',')
line 35: (integer - '3')
line 35: (reps - 'reps')
line 35: (@ - '@')
line 35: (integer - '90')
line 35: (% - '%')
line 35: (x - 'x')
line 35: (integer - '5')
line 38: (- - '-')
line 38: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 38: (identifier - 'empty')
line 38: (, - ',')
line 38: (identifier - 'empty')
line 38: (, - ',')
line 38: (identifier - 'warmups')
line 38: (, - ',')
line 38: (identifier - 'worksetMonday')
line 38: (x - 'x')
line 38: (integer - '5')
line 39: (preamble - 'Press:')
line 39: (identifier - 'empty')
line 39: (, - ',')
line 39: (identifier - 'warmups')
line 39: (, - ',')
line 39: (identifier - 'worksetMonday')
line 39: (x - 'x')
line 39: (integer - '5')
line 40: (preamble - 'Deadlift:')
line 40: (identifier - 'empty')
line 40: (, - ',')
line 40: (identifier - 'warmups')
line 40: (, - ',')
line 40: (identifier - 'worksetMonday')
line 42: (- - '-')
line 42: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 42: (identifier - 'empty')
line 42: (, - ',')
line 42: (identifier - 'empty')
line 42: (, - ',')
line 42: (identifier - 'warmups')
line 42: (, - ',')
line 42: (integer - '5')
line 42: (reps - 'reps')
line 42: (@ - '@')
line 42: (integer - '72')
line 42: (% - '%')
line 42: (x - 'x')
line 42: (integer - '2')
line 42: (increase - 'increase')
line 43: (preamble - 'Bench:')
line 43: (identifier - 'empty')
line 43: (, - ',')
line 43: (identifier - 'warmups')
line 43: (, - ',')
line 43: (integer - '5')
line 43: (reps - 'reps')
line 43: (@ - '@')
line 43: (integer - '81')
line 43: (% - '%')
line 43: (x - 'x')
line 43: (integer - '3')
line 43: (increase - 'increase')
line 44: (string - '"3 sets of bodyweight Chin-ups"')
line 45: (string - '"5 sets of 10 Back Extensions or Glute-Ham Raises"')
line 47: (- - '-')
line 47: (preamble - 'Squat:')
line 47: (identifier - 'empty')
line 47: (, - ',')
line 47: (identifier - 'empty')
line 47: (, - ',')
line 47: (identifier - 'warmups')
line 47: (, - ',')
line 47: (integer - '5')
line 47: (reps - 'reps')
line 47: (@ - '@')
line 47: (integer - '100')
line 47: (% - '%')
line 48: (preamble - 'Press:')
line 48: (identifier - 'empty')
line 48: (, - ',')
line 48: (identifier - 'warmups')
line 48: (, - ',')
line 48: (integer - '5')
line 48: (reps - 'reps')
line 48: (@ - '@')
line 48: (integer - '100')
line 48: (% - '%')
line 49: (preamble - 'PowerClean:')
line 49: (identifier - 'empty')
line 49: (, - ',')
line 49: (identifier - 'warmups')
line 49: (, - ',')
line 49: (integer - '3')
line 49: (reps - 'reps')
line 49: (@ - '@')
line 49: (integer - '90')
line 49: (% - '%')
line 49: (x - 'x')
line 49: (integer - '5')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,964 @@
"Lifts": [
"Name": "Squat",
"Max": 180,
"Increment": 2.5,
"IncrementPercent": false,
"Bar": 0
"Name": "Deadlift",
"Max": 210,
"Increment": 2.5,
"IncrementPercent": false,
"Bar": 0
"Name": "Bench",
"Max": 120,
"Increment": 1.25,
"IncrementPercent": false,
"Bar": 0
"Name": "Press",
"Max": 80,
"Increment": 1.25,
"IncrementPercent": false,
"Bar": 0
"Name": "PowerClean",
"Max": 80,
"Increment": 1.25,
"IncrementPercent": false,
"Bar": 0
"Plates": null,
"SetTemplates": [
"Name": "empty",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Name": "warmups",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 25,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 2,
"Percentage": 50,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 2,
"Percentage": 75,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Name": "worksetMonday",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 90,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Name": "worksetFriday",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 100,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"TrainingDays": [
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmups",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "worksetMonday",
"Amount": 5
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Bench",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmups",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "worksetMonday",
"Amount": 5
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Deadlift",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmups",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "worksetMonday",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmups",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 72,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 2,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": true,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Press",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmups",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 81,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 3,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": true,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "3 sets of bodyweight Chin-ups"
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "5 sets of 10 Back Extensions or Glute-Ham Raises"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmups",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 100,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Bench",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmups",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 100,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "PowerClean",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmups",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 90,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 5,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmups",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "worksetMonday",
"Amount": 5
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Press",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmups",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "worksetMonday",
"Amount": 5
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Deadlift",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmups",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "worksetMonday",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmups",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 72,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 2,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": true,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Bench",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmups",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 81,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 3,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": true,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "3 sets of bodyweight Chin-ups"
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "",
"Items": null,
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": "5 sets of 10 Back Extensions or Glute-Ham Raises"
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Squat",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmups",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 100,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "Press",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmups",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 100,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "PowerClean",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "empty",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 0,
"Percentage": 0,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "warmups",
"Amount": 0
"Set": {
"Reps": 3,
"Percentage": 90,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 5,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
line 3: (preamble - 'Lifts:')
line 4: (identifier - 'OHP')
line 4: (preamble - 'Max:')
line 4: (integer - '100')
line 4: (preamble - 'Increment:')
line 4: (float - '2.5')
line 6: (preamble - 'Plates:')
line 7: (integer - '20')
line 7: (x - 'x')
line 7: (integer - '2')
line 9: (preamble - 'TrainingDays:')
line 10: (- - '-')
line 10: (preamble - 'OHP:')
line 10: (integer - '5')
line 10: (reps - 'reps')
line 10: (@ - '@')
line 10: (integer - '100')
line 10: (% - '%')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
"Lifts": [
"Name": "OHP",
"Max": 100,
"Increment": 2.5,
"IncrementPercent": false,
"Bar": 0
"Plates": [
"Weight": 20,
"Amount": 2
"SetTemplates": null,
"TrainingDays": [
"Items": [
"LiftSchedule": {
"LiftName": "OHP",
"Items": [
"Set": {
"Reps": 5,
"Percentage": 100,
"PlusWeight": 0,
"Amount": 0,
"Notice": ""
"ReferenceName": "",
"Amount": 0
"Increase": false,
"IncreaseAmount": 0,
"IncreasePercent": false
"Raw": ""

types.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
package main
import (
type TDL struct {
Lifts []Lift
Plates []Plate
SetTemplates []SetTemplate
TrainingDays []TrainingDay
func (t TDL) JSON() []byte {
tmp, err := json.MarshalIndent(t, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return tmp
func (t TDL) Clone() TDL {
t2 := TDL{}
// an actual deep copy might be a little faster
// - but this one is good enough.
err := json.Unmarshal(t.JSON(), &t2)
if err != nil {
return t2
type Lift struct {
Name string
Max float64
Increment float64
IncrementPercent bool
Bar float64
type Plate struct {
Weight float64
Amount int
type SetTemplate struct {
Name string
Items []SetTemplateItem
type SetTemplateItem struct {
Set Set
ReferenceName string
Amount int
type Set struct {
Reps int
Percentage float64
PlusWeight float64
Amount int
Notice string
type TrainingDay struct {
Items []TrainingDayItem
type TrainingDayItem struct {
LiftSchedule LiftSchedule
Raw string
type LiftSchedule struct {
LiftName string
Items []SetTemplateItem
Increase bool
IncreaseAmount float64
IncreasePercent bool